Changing routine


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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DD used to stay downstairs with us in the evenings even if she fell asleep until i went to bed around 10 but around 3 weeks ago we got into a rountine of bath (every other night) feed and bed for 8. It always took about half an hour of cuddles, singing, comforting to get her to sleep. She then had a nappy change and feed at around 10.30 ready for the night. This worked fine until about a week ago. Shes now not going to bed and i spend half my night going up and down the stairs trying to get her off to sleep when shes wide awake. Shall i just give in and accept that is not going to work and let her stay up till 10 again?

She normally sleeps till about 5am then has a feed then back down till about 8 but she has been waking up in the night for an extra feed but im putting that down to the 4 month growth spurt.
What does she do when you leave her in her cot for bed? Does she cry? or just lie there?

I have a similar routine of bath/feed/bed. And find that if Calleigh hasnt had her fill of milk she will stay awake even tho she is tired, so i have to make sure she is completely stuffed :lol: before leaving her to sleep. Her bedtime feed usually takes 45mins if she feeds constantly.
charlie84 said:
What does she do when you leave her in her cot for bed? Does she cry? or just lie there?

I have a similar routine of bath/feed/bed. And find that if Calleigh hasnt had her fill of milk she will stay awake even tho she is tired, so i have to make sure she is completely stuffed :lol: before leaving her to sleep. Her bedtime feed usually takes 45mins if she feeds constantly.

She just screams & screams until i pick her up, sometimes i can rock her off to sleep in my arms but i dont like doing that as she then expects it all the time. If i put her into bed at 10 she will settle herself so i think she just wants to play. Its not that she is hungry as she has her 1 bottle of the day before bed so i know how much shes taken.
Does your LO have regualar naps during the day? It could be that she's not getting enough sleep and is overtired and cant settle maybe?
Ok so she probably isnt tired enough to go down straight to sleep :think:
Have you thought of maybe a light mobile or something similar which you can turn on when you pop her to bed. That may help to calm her and lull her off to sleep.

Or you could look at it as her bedtime is currently 10pm and work with the bath/feed/cuddle routine at around that time and then work on bringing that forward a little until you reach the time you wish. Say bring it forward 15 mins every couple of nights so that she hardly notices.

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