Changing hospitals

Mummy Rich

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
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I am currently in one hospital, Warrington, I only went to because we were going to be living near to there. Now things av changed and we're going to be staying in st helens. So therefore Whiston hospital is closer.

Plus the staff havent been that nice at warrington...maybe just my experience.

Anyways, was wondering. Can you change hospitals!?!?x
I would assume you can you have every right to, at the end of the day you want the best experiance having your baby so why not :D i have no idea how to do it tho mabe ask your midwife :D
I have to change cause im registered with my old dr's which is 40 miles away. After my last midwife appointment I am changing down to a dr's nearer so will also be changing hospitals hun so im in a similar position. As far as im aware you can just speak to your midwife about it and im sure she will help you change over hospitals. Im dreading it to be honest. I wanna stay with my old Dr but have the baby at the hospital down here but it cant work like that. Been with my Dr since I was little so hate the thought of having to change!
I have changed hospitals during this pregnancy as I wasn't happy with the attitude of the staff at my original hospital. You just need to ask your community MW at your next appointment and they will arrange to have your booking changed for you.

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