Changing from carrycot to seat


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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My lo is only 4 months but he is a big lad and wants to sit up all the time. He screams when i put him down in the carrycot cos he cant see anything and i end up sitting him up.
He is just over 8 kg now and carrycot goes up to 9 kg but he doesnt have much space left and hates it.
Is it ok to change him over to the seat? I have bugaboo cameleon btw.
sent from my Galaxy s2
Some people may say different but I'm sure he would be ready.

If your baby isn't ready for the seat I'm sure he will let you know by slumping to one side or fussing.

I know what you mean about wanting to sit up all the time... My Lo gets really frustrated if she's led down awake for a while.
I would have thought it would be fine to change over now. They want to see the world around them and not be laid down so much, esp if he's awake a lot of the day now
I would say to try him in the seat and see how he gets on. All these hard and fast rules don't take into account the fact that each LO is different! Obviously if he looks uncomfortable or unsupported then pop him in the carrycot for a bit longer. You might have to ignore a protest tho!
I put my LO in the pushchair part at 3 months as he was massive on the carrycot. He was fine x

Put him in today, first he was cranky and protesting because he was tired but he liked it. We managed to eat in the cafe whilst he was playing with the activity spiral, score!
I am going to get the footmuff out now. Will post a pic of him later

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Here he isuploadfromtaptalk1326651398053.jpg

sent from my Galaxy s2
Bless him he's so cute & looked really happy xx
Aww :) maisie was in hers from 3 months she hated lying down because of reflux

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I suspect some of it us reflux but ge just wants to look around. If i put him down in a carrycot, he would start trying to get up. Yesterday he fell asleep like this, no screaming at all, just drifted offuploadfromtaptalk1326705830565.jpg

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