Changing Bag


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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Sorry slightly random but what goes into a changing bag?

I've been raking my brains trying to think but come up slightly blank

Obviously you'd have nappies
Cotton Wool
Wipes (for sticky fingers, faces and sick)
Sudocreme (or your preffered bum cream)
Change of baby grow and vest

Then I come against the blank!

Any tips or advice?
is this for everyday use? or a hospital bag?

Everday use id say bottles if your not breastfeeding. then i hit a blank too lol

MrsMc I have them at home but didn't think of them!

Lisa a bit of both, I know you need more for the hospital as you may be there longer etc, but I've brought a whole bag for baby's daily use and cant think of anything to put in it lmao!
Haha! Have u got loads of space in it? I suppose when they are eating u might pop a yogurt or something in? Xx
Yeah! I guess more goes in when they are eating. I can't help but think I need more than the baby to leave the house and that isnt rite!
Are u gonna have a handbag aswell or pop ur stuff in the changing bag...I know nothing about anything :blush: xx
My mum thinks it's too much hassle having both and says I'll end up putting my purse and keys in his bag. Looks like I'm gonna have to seriously downsize lol!

I was going to use the changing bag as a handbag for a while at least so thats purse, keys, and other obligatory stuff that has to live in handbag (paraceptamols, plasters, the kitchen sink)
I was going to use the changing bag as a handbag for a while at least so thats purse, keys, and other obligatory stuff that has to live in handbag (paraceptamols, plasters, the kitchen sink)

Wow mines just full of lipglosses! Every time I empty it I have at least 8 :|

I think if you were just using it for everyday use i would go with what he would need, so to be changed...wipes and nappies... to be fed... bottles/milk powder so you dont have too many made up at once....

A dummy? Teething ring when he is older.

BIBS- how could i forget that

Change of clothes as you already put.

You could put your stuff in so depending on how soon your out and about.. keys etc thats above- breast pads? Maternity towels

and im stuck again

I think everything has been covered.

Maybe an extra blanket incase one ur using gets puked on.

If its a long day out i'd say 2 outfits for baby

Carrier bags incase anything gets puked/poo'd on.

A changing mat - most changing bags have a mat that can be taken out.

I'd probably use the changing bag as a handbag - unless going out for a longer day in which case i'd take my own handbag.

such a handy post thnx didnt thin k about the poo bags! oh god how will i find the space for double everything......
Muslin cloths for burping etc if your gonna be doing a feed while your out.
Something to keep bubs amused if your out for a while - teething ring/rattle/cuddly toy - maybe thats a bit later.

TBH - my SIL's changing bag is always pretty full - but its more like multiples of everything - a few nappies, a few changes of clothes etc. - although i guess thats mostly if your gonna be outta the house for a wee while. it doesnt come when its a case of just nipping down to the shop for bread and milk. lol.

Drinks and snacks.for you if you're breastfeeding. A bottle of water for use when changing if not using wipes in the early days to help with stubborn poo. Some breast pads. My cousin always had.a change of clothes for her too in the car and I.wondered why until her Lo leaked a violent poo over het white crop trousers! So maybe a good idea if out for a while. Many mussies! X
Drinks and snacks.for you if you're breastfeeding. A bottle of water for use when changing if not using wipes in the early days to help with stubborn poo. Some breast pads. My cousin always had.a change of clothes for her too in the car and I.wondered why until her Lo leaked a violent poo over het white crop trousers! So maybe a good idea if out for a while. Many mussies! X

I'm glad you said water, I assumed there would always be changing facilities but there won't! I live in a fantasy world!

I'm planning on just using a normal bag. Nappies, wipes, change of clothing, mini disinfectant spray, and a changing mat. Maybe some breast pads too. They do folding changing mats in the pound shop near me.

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