Changed his mind?

I don't know what to think at the moment but Mark has changed his mind about TTC'ing for now and wants to wait a few months again. I'm so confused and gutted, absolutely gutted. He's now said he only wants two kids, definately no more, when before we were thinking 3. I am so ready to go through it again and I'm scared if I don't do it soon I might not ever do it. Sounds stupid but I can't help feeling like he is putting everything off all the time. Thursday was so good, it was his birthday and I'd thrown a surprise party for him, he was so made up, and today/yesterday he is just totally different. I feel hurt and confused.

Sorry to have a moan :cry:

Oh Sami, have you got no idea why he is like this? Men can never seem to make their minds up, and on such a sensitive thing too, they really should think about things before they get our hopes up!!

I am so sorry babe, but maybe you just need to give him a bit of time, and ask him (nicely) why the change of heart, is he worried about anything?

Do you get quality time together now, maybe that may play a factor?

Not that I have any idea babe, just trying to bounce ideas round!

I hope you get it sorted very soon and feel better, but you really do need to try and talk to him and get to the bottom of it, as it isn't fare on have been so happy at the thought of ttc, and it is not something we take lightly when we get the green light!

Wishing you the best babe! xx
aww im sorry babe!

you can change his mind tho! from what you have told me over the past few months, he changes his mind alot but then changes it back again, maybe hes just nervous and got cold feet?

hope it works out for you hun

aw no. maybe his party made him feel like he like still having some independance etc. he might feel like with a 2nd baby now that it will be harder to do things like that. he's probably just having a panic! hope he changes his mind hun xx
Probably Vic.
I'm well confused, I'm bleeding mid cycle now. Can stress do that? I've never done that except when I was on depo injection. Or do you think the pill is messing with me?
could be stress yeah! or implantation bleeding :wink:

spotting between periods is a normal side effect on some pills though x
It's like a full on period, got really bad cramps aswell. Any chance I might have caught before this have just been shattered, I haven't got a clue whats going on and at the moment I can't even stand to look at Mark without feeling awful inside. i feel rubbsih today as it is, maybe I'm just being sensitive.
Hi Sami

You must be feeling so disappointed i know, but do you think it might be because he's worried about you?

You've been through so much with your miscarriages and Damien being premature, maybe he's worried that the pressure might be too much?

Try having a chat and reassuring him that you are ready and that everything will be ok. Pull together not apart!

Hope you're ok lovie!

Louise x
he won't talk to me hun, he says I am making him feel guilty and clams up. He says he wants one later. I can't change his mind and I sure wouldn't want to get pregnant on purpose just to please myself, I just feel gutted we decided one thing then he changed his mind back again. :(
I see - sorry hun I didn't realise. I wonder what's up with him? Maybe he is worried. Men are funny sometimes and aren't always good at discussing things - very annoying I know.
Aw Sami I'm sorry you are going through this :(

Do you think he's scared? I know my OH is scared. I can't remember if it was my 2 month ordeal of being under theatre an stuff or my second loss but I remember him wanting to stop TTC & after a while when I thought he was just being heartless it was because he could see the pain & the fear in my eyes & he didn't want to see me hurt like that again.


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