Chances of Conception !! wow.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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Well, searching through google, as you do, i came accross this very interesting article, just thought id share ;;
Researchers found that couples who had sex every day had a 25% chance of conceiving, while couples who had sex every other day had a 22% chance. Once-a-week sex drops the chances of conceiving to 10%. So, if you want to get pregnant in the most time-efficient manner, sex-every-other-day will help you get the job done while leaving you time to clean the refrigerator. On the other hand, if you have plenty of time and energy, you can raise your chances of conceiving by 3% if you want to make a nightly date with your partner. Once you’re pregnant, you can claim nausea and let him clean the fridge.


I dont know if any of you are about the same cycle as me, but just wondering if small scratching feeling on the inside of the front of your stomach is normal at about 5dpo? thankyou x
Interesting info thanks for sharing.

I wonder what that feeling is too bec I am feeling it as well :think:
Well, my OH and I were having sex about once every six months when we conceived... :rotfl:

Interesting statistic though, particularly as it contrasts with the advice given on This Morning (?) on the other thread? Didn't that guy say that twice a week throughout the cycle was best?

Maybe they just don't have a clue!

Good luck to all TTC xxx
i was thining it was going against everything iv already read on here. :think: its funny that every expert says a different thing. :roll:

Suzan how many dpO are you? the feelings like scracthes now and then and when i pee or stand up its like preasure im my lower stomach and a bit of back ache too like i am actually on my AF, about day 2 when it gets heavy and uncomfortable. its wayyy to early for AF yet as as im not due for another 8days :think:
In fairness, the expert on the TV was saying that if you BD'd 2-3 times a week you would have your bases covered for when you ovulated based on the fact that sperm can live for 5-6 days in fertile conditions.

I think what he was saying was just have regular sex :D

There's always going to be exceptions, those lucky few who get pregnant after one night of BD in the month etc... :D
Bagpuss17 said:
There's always going to be exceptions, those lucky few who get pregnant after one night of BD in the month etc... :D

Oops. that would be me :oops:

I think I was super relaxed that evening as I had just seen Barbra Streisand live for possibly the one and only time in my life!

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