cervix update/queston. again


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2010
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Hi again...........
So posted last week about how I thought I could see my cervix and it was suggested I phone the hosp, so I did and the midwife basically laughed patronizingly at me and said it was impossible.
So I looked again last night, that is definately me cervix!! Is that something to be worried about, or could it just be the baby pushing down a lot? (Though as far as I know my baby is still breech?)
I was 34 weeks yesterday! I have an appointment tomorrow anyway, just checking it's not a major thing?
I havent heard of this but i dunno if its something to be worring bout or not but i didnt want to read and run, if the hospital arent taking it seriously id talk to your midwife tomorrow and see if she will have a look and tell you what it is. I hope its nothing to worry about and hope everythings ok x
lol me neither!
Thanks for that x

are you sure it your cervix not your vaginal wall bloody scary for you tho might be a slight prolapse or just baby sitting heavy on it good luck x
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I wouldn't have thought you can see your cervix as its should still be quite high up - i would deffo get you mw to have a look tomorrow - let us know how you get on x
Yeah, I'm sure its the cervix because I googled a picture of it (lovely huh!?) Rather rank I must say!
Def will say it to them in the morning, if nothing else, in a few weeks, I want to get down to sex to jumpstart labour (TMI but have not been doing anything like that lately because I'm just so huge and uncomfortable!), so my bf can't wait for it.... but with that in the way.. it won't really get very far! lol, sorry!
If it's your cervix I'd say you ought to go to A&E to be honest. I dont think you should be self diagnosing anything based on Google Images. Go to the hospital. My guess is that it's not your cervix or you would be in hospital. You may have a varicose vein in your vulva.
It doesn't hurt or anything, I just realised I felt a bit funny down there so checked. I'll just ask them ot look at my appointment tomorrow, as it literally is identical to photos, the whole donut ish looking thing, don't really know how else to explain it?
I think I'll ask my boyfriend to feel it later for me (so sorry for TMI) but I don't know what I feel like normally there?
Thanks for all the help! x
I still think you ought to see a doctor. Soon.
Thanks for this. I'll let you all know what they say x
what happened with this, defiantely sounds like some kind of prolapse. If it is the midwife who laughed at you should be shot at dawn, in fact even if it isnt, she should. Laughing at worried pregnant women is just outright rude! :hug: hope everythings alright today!
I agree with Tiny, every worry should be taken seriously by a midwife, whether she finds it funny or not!

I hope all is OK today Leanne, let us know! x
Yeah, she said there was a prolapse, but no massive deal because she could basically push it back up to an extent! She said it will prob come back down as I have a bad cough (which, as well as this being a second child, prob caused it!) and have had a lot of straining with the cough.
On the downside, at 34 weeks and 2 days, bump is still breech! Blood pressures up, but now protein has gone back down, so have to have weekly appointments now. Just praying lump turns now too!
Thanks for all the support xx
Glad you got some answers hun and hope bp comes down - the stress and worry prob hasn't helped x
glad she actually took you more seriously this time! couldve reassured you ages ago though, no wonder your BP is up! Dont worry too much about baby being breech, perfectly normal for them not to turn until 37 weeks and at least youre being seen weekly from now on, so lots of close monitoring!
Thats true!! Hoping the little one turns now! If not Im in for ECV at about 37 weeks! Just hope it doesn't come to that! I'm such a worrier about the possibility of a caesarean!
tasha had an EVC yesterday, did you see her post, sounds really positive. But yeah would be nice if youre LO turns on his own!

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