Cervix problems?

Nicole mummy

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2012
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Have any other mums got any cervix problems? I had Lletz treatment in Jan this year and curious why my midwife has put me as high risk? She mentioned not being able to carry full term and my cervix unable to dilate because of scar tissue. She also mentioned about the potential of having a stitch put in if I start showing problems?
Hi, I lost 2 babies due to what I now know is an incompetent cervix. At first they thought I had a split uterus but after an MRI scan they realised I hadn't. The sonographer was sure that was what was wrong. I wish she hasn't of said anything, all that stress for nothing. At least they looked into it though. I know that I'll need a stitch at around the 12 week mark (I wish I could have one now lol).

I know that my situation isn't the same as yours but I thought I'd just share my experiences.

Take care of yourself and congratulations on your pregnancy :dance:. Have you any idea when they will perform your cerclage (stitch)? Will this be your first child?

Hi Vicky, thank you for your reply hun. Can I ask how far on you were with your losses? I had a MC in June this year and I am sure it's linked. I don't know anything as yet, my midwife had little knowledge and said to mention this to the doctor at my 12 week scan. I have a sensitive cervix anyway and seem to have bleeds often, I've had 2 already. This midwife said they may want to stitch me so I am just waiting to see how serious this turns out to be. This is my 5th child but 1st since my treatment in January. X
Hi Hun, my tickers say how far along I was. It's heartbreaking, my 7th pregnancy and no child as yet, really hoping that this time will be for keeps xx
Oh my goodness I am so sorry for the loss of your babies. Wishing you all the luck in the world with your new pregnancy. I had no idea how serious things could be with cervical problems. X
Sorry to hear of your losses I hope you have a healthy pregnancy :hug:

I had treatment on my cervix after baby #2 which made #3 and #4 high risk.. They scanned my cervix at 12&20 weeks as well as baby to check the length.. Luckily I've been ok so not needed any stitches.. I also have a sensitive cervix which now has polyps all over it.. But they insist it's all okay.. They told me the same as you about the risks of preterm etc but that's because it's a precaution and if they didn't tell you that and it happened they'd be in trouble! There's a low risk after cervix treatment but they have to inform you.. I hope everything works out okay x
Hi I know this is an old thread but just hoping to reassure you a bit as I can see from your ticker you're still pregnant. .. I had LLETZ for CIN2 in Jan 2012 and unbeknown to me I was actually 4 days pregnant at the time! I then gave birth to my DS in September 2012 at 40+3 and he also weighed 9lb 9 so not a small baby! But no problems in carrying to term as a result of the LLETZ! I worried a lot through my pregnancy about it but it was fine. Make sure your doctors keep an eye on you but I hope my story gives you a bit of reassurance xx

So sorry for your losses Vicki Claire that's heartbreaking xxx
Hi Nicole!
Not much help to you now, you probably know all this, but I've just seen this post come up..

I had a lletz (after my daughter) so I was sent for a scan on my cervix at 20 weeks. A cervix should be 30mm, under 25mm being a moderate risk and under 15mm (I think) being a high risk.

My measurments were 23mm so I'm now on medication to stop my uterus being so active and I've been marked down as preterm risk. I go back in a week to see if the meds worked and whether a stitch is req'd.

Have u had ur scan yet? X
Can i ask what meds they gave you ? Im 18 weeks today and my cervix went from 37 ,, to 16mm but they say they cant do anything for me ?

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