cervical stitch + problems


Mar 29, 2014
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Im new here and currently 16 weeks pregnant with my 3rd. My first was born at 21 weeks due to incompetent cervix and didn't survive. My second was born by C-section at 38 weeks after a stitch was placed at 13 weeks.
This pregnancy I had a stitch placed on the 17th March. Slight cramping and bleeding for the rest of that day but otherwise fine. Bed rest for the rest of the week , no problems. Woke up last Saturday morning and bleed, everywhere. It was like a hosepipe. My OH called an ambulance and spent the next few hours in a+e . Scan showed baby was not moving and no heartbeat, stitch was still in place and had not ruptured, consultant convinced blood coming from womb. I was transferred to delivery suite for the inevitable. They monitored me for a few hours and did another scan. Baby was fine and good strong heartbeat.
I was given gas and air so that they could remove large clots from my vagina...very painful.
The bleeding has not stopped, but has declined over the last week (I was kept in hospital until Thursday) and they said as long as I was not needing a pad then I'd be fine.
They cannot tell me why I was and am still bleeding. I lost yet another large amount of blood last night after a bowel movement and although I have no pain, I do have tightening's (usual for gestation)
The blood loss is mostly on wiping and is pink, bright red, tiny clots, brown...every time is different!
Has anyone had similar?
thank you for reading.
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Sorry I have no advice, but I do hope it all works out OK. Good signs are that baby is alive and kicking still.

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