Cerazette and bleeding WHEN WILL IT STOP?!


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2012
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I'm guessing my Q's going to be right in this section. I stopped bleeding and flowing and all that lot around 2-3 weeks post birth. So started the cerazette on day 21, started bleeding again quite shortly after just little tiny winy bits, no pads required just black underwear for the occasional stain.. F me, from about 2 weeks ago 7w post delivery it's like my period's back.. Heavier bleeding to obvious for OH not to notice to have sex hahaha but it has been like that for two bloody weeks now and am getting fed up. Am having a banging rash on my arms and legs don't know if it's on my back too and am not sure whether it's because of the pill or the PG hormones leaving my body? But aside from that I remembered how bad my periods are on the pill, it's like a bloody swordfight down my cervix and in my womb I simply can not stand it and it turns me into a vile bitch *excuse my french*
So I stopped taking it, having LO sleep right next to me atm is enough contraception and OH doesn't seem to remember that you can dtd anytime during the day lol. But am going back to drs can't be seen until next week by the nurse and drs is having to phone in't morning hoping I can get an appointment on the day (I'm trying that tomoz otherwise am just going to wait til next week thurs) anyway I want my dear sweet yasmin back it worked best for me in the past so fx it will be the best option again atm.. Question is WHEN WILL I STOP BLEEDING FROM MY VAGINA?! Honestly I want it to stop! Tampons are still uncomfy and am scared if I keep bleeding for another week or so I'll end up with an Iron deficiency ain't nobody have time for that!

& was the general rule of thumb when the pill was taken any other day then the first day of period it's best to play safe and do some double dutch IF there's any action for the first 7 days or is it the entire cycle I can't remember it's been donkeys year since i changed pills

Thanks everyone for reading and thinking with me xx:wave:
Hi Hun, that was the exact reason I came off cerazette it was an absolute menace! I bled every two weeks for around 10 days at a time, so was only having a few days relief! It also turned me into a grumpy hormonal mess and I wasn't nice to be around- I haven't come across many people who actually get on with the mini pill! Anyway, I stopped taking it I'm feb and things are back to normal now, although I'm not on any pill now. The doctor thinks I should have given it more time to settle down but 6 months of that, working full time and looking after a baby was not the ideal for me.
I think it's 7 days of extra contraception when changing pills but I could be wrong (doc will advise you better) x
Ta hun, am exactly like that and am not waiting on anything for 6 month haha not BF'ing now so I can do combined! 2 days it's been and am still having loads of tummy pains :(
I had exactly the same, bled constantly. Once I'd finished breastfeeding I came straight off it and have gone back on microgynon which I'm fine on xxx
I have my sweet Yasmin back now and the bleeding has lessened straight away . Even tho doc wasn't impressed me just stopping it I feel so much better now just 2 weeks extra protection and the bleeding can be irregular the next two month but well have more faith tht I won't be bleeding constantly!

David Victor JR. 21.40. - 19.05.'13 - 6lb 11oz /tapatalking

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