CD4 ...Need some Positivity


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2014
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Hi Ladies
Well I'm CD 4 0f Cycle 9 (month 8) AF has almost buggered off and I'm feeling a bit down in the dumps...I have felt quite positive up to now but today I feel really upset for no real reason,
I know I got my hopes up (again) last cycle and feel deflated and useless now

I've tried to be positive so have started a healthy eating plan (I'm starving lol) taking extra supplements and ordered some Preseed and OPKs, I also started Acupuncture last month

I should be happy and motivated but I'm not...need some Positivity xxx
You're allowed to feel sad. It's a women's perogative. :) It's tough to stay positive 100% of the time. I've learned you gotta take the good with the bad. Today I'm looking for my positivity in a bag of cookies! Lol! Month 14 of ttc.

You're not useless. You're doing all the right things and it will pay off. I know it. Hang in there. Xx
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You're allowed to feel sad. It's a women's perogative. :) It's tough to stay positive 100% of the time. I've learned you gotta take the good with the bad. Today I'm looking for my positivity in a bag of cookies! Lol! Month 14 of ttc.

You're not useless. You're doing all the right things and it will pay off. I know it. Hang in there. Xx

Hi Purplecloud
Thanks for that hun :hugs:
I would normally also find my positivity in a bag of Cookies or a bar of Toblerone (my fave) but due to my Healthy eating plan all those treats are banned :sad:

I TTC for 17 months with my LO and finally on my 3rd cycle of Clomid conceived my gorgeous little boy...
Need to be Positive for him and myself :) xxxx
Heya hun.. Sorry your feeling down today :( .. Its not nice its just why is it not happening too me! You question yourself if your doing it right lol af arrived today for me full flow so cd1 right behind you hun x x x x x
Hi Angel :hugs: sorry to hear you are feeling rotten hun, but I don't think you are the only one with Jan blues :( it might not help but - for getting some positivity back I try and visualise all the nice things I might hope to experience if/when I get preggers again that feeing of WOW when seeing those two lines, feeling the first flutters of my new baby and all the cute things like their little fingers and how they smell cute snuggles when all cosy going to sleep aaaah and big eyes blinking :sleepy::preg::swaddle:

I saw a documentary on 'the secret' a while ago - think I even posted it on here ages ago when I was in WTT might be a load of codswallop but visualising positive things helps your body to release happy feelings, and I'm sure I read once that as far as the brain and associated feelings go - it's not a massive difference between imagining good things and actually experiencing them - we get the same booster :)

other-wise it's totally normal to let yourself feel shitty too and work through it by having a good old rant with others feeling the don't be too hard on yourself hun, you will feel better soon and I'm sure we will all be seeing that BFP - this site is awesome, there are lots of amazing stories with a happy ending xx
Also if it's any consolation I am currently sat here with my face smeared in e45 due to and angry spotty rash! oooh feeling dead attractive right now haha
Sorry you feel down huni :hugs:
No matter how long your trying it always feels like a slap in the face when the stupid witch arrives arrives.

You have always got us hun, day or night :-) when the timing is right it will happen.
February will be your month hun I can feel it xx
Hi Stacymo

I'm feeling a bit better since my first post, I think it's just as people are getting pregnant around me (1 friend 1 work colleague ) I felt a bit deflated and emotional

I'm sure I will get pregnant eventually and should be positive so will try to be strong! Thinking about positive things is a really good idea, i've been pregnant before and have a gourgous little boy... so im going to think back about how lovely being pregnant was... feeling the first flutters and then the big kicks! and how amazing it was to hold my new baby in my arms....nd how amazing he still is!!
Good Idea Stacey! Thank u and good luck to you im keeping my fingers crossed for your BFP this cycle

Sorry you feel down huni :hugs:
No matter how long your trying it always feels like a slap in the face when the stupid witch arrives arrives.

You have always got us hun, day or night :-) when the timing is right it will happen.
February will be your month hun I can feel it xx
Hi Maxine
Thanks for the positive words, hope your feeling ok after the witch's arrival,
I've got a good feeling about this cycle for us hun
Big hugs xxx
Hi, I'm very new to all this and have been sitting here trying to deal with all this stuff on my own.
We've been trying to get pregnant for 3 years with no joy, have just been diagnosed with PCOS which I think is wrong! Just about to start using the Clearblue advance fertility monitor, please please tell me there's some hope

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