

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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I love them....but just wondering what are the guidelines for pregnant ladies regarding contact with cats? Is it just handling the cat litter that is dangerous?
I posted before about my nightmare break away, my OH's Father's wifes long haired cat basically takes over the house, and they gave us a bed totally covered in cat hairs. I didnt realise until I woke up unable to breathe, face & lips & eyes swollen. I now think I am developing a sinus/chest infection from it, and am starting to feel pretty miserable!!! Grrrrrrr.
Very annoyed & worried that it could harm LO!!!!!!!!!!! Had 20wk scan on Monday when we got back, and she is doing well, but can't help but worry!!!
There is no issue at all with cat litter hun, it is cat's pooh that can cause problems. Of course used litter could have come into contact with faeces so you have to be careful.

Unless you've been picking up cats pooh and putting your hands in your mouth you'll be fine.

I still change my cats litter tray (I scrap the pooh out every day - with gloves and a scooper - and fully change twice a week)

We love our cat but she is short haired and although she sometimes sleeps on the bed [at the moment] she is not allowed in wardrobes / linen closet etc...

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We're used to our cat and all that comes with being a cat owner but I can imagine it's a bit :shock: :shock: to go and stay somewhere and have someone else's cat thrust upon you!!

Our girl is going to be gradually phased out of the bedroom in the cmoning months (baby will be in with us) as they do shed furr regardless of being long hair / short hair

We have 2 young cats and I've found it the perfect excuse to be off litter duty! they're with us all the time very snuggly and I've no ill effects. Like carnat said its the cat poo thats a concern and my doctor told me most people have had toxoplasmosis (what you can catch from the poo) unknowingly anyway and you don't catch it twice :)
I do love cats, but yeah it is annoying that the bed was covered in cat hairs!! And more annoying still that when we said to them about both of us having allergic reactions, we were ignored!!
I think pregnancy has definitely caused me to have a more severe reaction than I would usually....I still feel dreadful though, who'd have thought a cat allergy could make you feel so rotten!!!
I have 3 cats 2 boys and a girl... they are our babies and quite often sleep in with us! I am not allowed to change the cat litter now though due to one cat Jensen... he caught MRSA while having an operation at the vets and will always have it as it infected his bladder. Hence to risky for me to mess around with the litter tray!
awww poor cat!!! But definitely safer you stay away from the cat litter!!
Doc has given me asthma inhalers & antihistamines.....sent home from work too, never thought a relaxing break away could make me so ill !!! lol x

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