Cat preggers


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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Well COCO went for her first scan yesterday,...thought she was pg at first then 9 weeks went and we thought she couldnt be so took her to the vet yesterday with her 'bloated' tummy and diorreah (sp?) and vet said seems like she is pg but im not 100%!! so i joked and said well when i go on my 20 week scan il take her along and get them to scan her, and the vet said, actually we have a scanner here but as you can see we are very busy tonight, so im like..ok so your not even sure if she is pg so we just have to wait and see :| and she said actually il go scan her quicky shall i ... and she came back and up the duff she is..little tart lol!!! she is only 1!! and she heard a few heartbeats and they seem ok..she is due from now and the next 2 weeks but if dosnt have them by 2.5 weeks then she might have to have a c section (sounds very expensive!!) but anything for my little girl!!...

hopefully everything will be ok, spoke to the vet yesterday about babycatbirth and she gave me some tips n hints but was busy so any more would be nice..

should i keep smudge (the father) away from her during the birth or will he look after her??? also when the kittens are born will he be fine with them? will they know he is his and be nice, cause he can be horrible to cats he dont know...(spoilt brat) lol..

I am going to do my best to make sure all of them feed from coco, but just in case i have bought a nursing kit..I am going to clean out the spare room this week and make a little nest for coco with lots of old sheets etc and spray some cat nip onto them to make them abit more homely for her...and make sure i have gloves and towels ready in case she rejects them at birth (which vet say 98% of the time they dont) so just in case so i can get the sack off and try to revive them.

Sorry i have gone on abit but as much info as poss from anyone who has done this before? or knows about it would be much appriciated...though after these smudge will get the clip and she will be done too..

Im really excited though..abit worried too...if anything happened to her id be so upset, also hope the babys will be ok as she is quite small..well her belly isnt at the moment! lol..

thanks alot
cassi, smudge, coco, bump1 and bump2!! xx
Awwww!!! Is she going to join the forum? :wink: :lol:
lol just get her so she can type her first message..:


she said the keyboard isnt right for her paws :lol:

cas x
Post a piccy of her fat belly lol :lol:
Il get one tomorrow off to bed now shattered!! she is sprawled out on the floor now...worst than me lol!!
Ah Cassi thats sooooooooooooo sweet.
When I was little my cat Cutie had babies with our other cat Misty. To be honest Misty just used to look at them give em a lick here n there and then sod off LOL!!!
But Cutie was the perfect mum, if one of kittens went walk about she'd howl and then go get it bring it back to the bed.
We got her a nice cosy basket, put one of those birthing rugs in it for her and put it just outside my bedroom, when it came time to give birth the cheeky little thing decided she wanted to do it right underneath my organ which was the other side of the hallway, but she did use it afterwards.
From what I remember they tend to give birth where they want to, where they feel safe and undisturbed.
I do remember the night she gave birth though, Mothers day and at about 2am, I was 9 years old and woke up to hear my Cutie howling bless her.
She had three babies, a black n white one, a tabby one and a grey n white one. 2 girls 1 boy.
They are just sooooooooooooo cute.
Good luck with it all and definately let us know what happens, oh and piccies.


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