caster oil


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2006
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right, my friend Laura is 38weeks pregnant and is DESPERATE 4 her baby to come, i know were all getting impatient towards the end, but i understand that its much better to let baby come when hes ready!
anyway, what are the chances of her actually going into labour after taking this discusting stuff, ive tried evrything to explain to her, showed her websites and stuff about it, and shes ADAMANT that shes going to take it tonight..shs not even overdue or anything eeK!
If the bub's not ready your mate will only end up with a severe case of the squits and a sleepless night.

If the bub is ready it could well get her going but she'll be pooing all over the delivery room!

Either way it's an unpleasant experience :puke: :puke:
tell her no- dont do it! she'll regret it lol
:puke: it is disgusting..

i did it at 38 weeks when pregnant with cameron, 4 hours later after many visits to the loo i went into labour.. and he popped out the next day..

But it doesnt work for everyone, and it is foul..

wouldnt advise anyone to take it..

oh and the midwifes know when you have taken it... :|
i tried it twice. once last week when i was 40+weeks and a week before.
it just made me violently sick and i was really ill for nothing!
i would never ever do it again. it obv didnt work as baby is still in here and shes a week overdue !
baby will come when its ready hun
my sister in law advised against it, she said that it will lead to a very painful birth and the midwives advise against it now. She has had 4 children and should know.

I think its really up to her .
If she wants to do it let her the worst that will happen is she will get the runs and the baby wil either come or not come.
As long as she knows the side affects
Advise her against it, no one3 fully knows yet what castore oil can do and there is a lot of negative feedback on it, there are lots of sites on google about castor oil.
Your friend will pop when the baby is ready too
it can cause liver problems too.. i wouldnt.. tell ehr to wait..the babies not ready..

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