Carpel Tunnel - Anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2008
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Everytime i go to bed both hands go numb. its now got so bad that the only way i can sleep is to have both arms straight out and hands inline with them, not comfortable at all, hence spending most of the night awake.
Anyone else had this and what did they do to alleviate the problem?
Its now got so i can have my hands lifted up at all without them starting to go numb!

I had this with Darragh - although it wasnt as bad as what yours sounds like, I worked with a physio and she gave me a wrist splint - I wore it for a while and it really helped, you should see your gp hun and get a referral to physio
Hi hun, I had this last time and have it again this time but only in 1 wrist. It's not as bad as yours, but it does wake me in the night :roll:
Hi there,

I had this with my first pregnancy and went to see my Doctor. I was referred immediately to our local hospital and they gave me some wrist splints which are a pain to wear but really do alleviate the pain. After I'd had my daughter I had a steroid injection in the wrist. Haven't had any problems with the wrist since (fingers crossed)x
I had this with my first and second pregnancies and it was driving me mad! The midwife arranged for me to get some wrist splints and I found that these helped, once I got used to sleeping in them anyway! :D
My hands have been going numb during the night for the last couple of weeks but I'm not sure if it's the same thing cos some of you mention pain and it's not sore. It does wake me up though.
yes i have this, the pins and needles are disturbing my sleep and midwife is going to get me some splints to wear at night as she said it will only get worse.

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