Carol (loose women)- outraged!


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2007
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Just been watching Loose Women and Carol (the one that looks like a tortoise!) has said she wouldn't give up her seat on a train for a pregnant woman and doesn't see that doing so is polite. ARRGGGHH! I don't know about anyone one else but although I agree that pregnancy is not an illness- I felt bloody ill by 7/8 months- I weighed sooo much and most of that weight was fluid in the feet! I'd like to see that Carol in a pregnancy suit for 1 day or better still sit her in a room with 20 preggers and see if she still has that arrogant attitude!!! :x

Sorry for rant - possibly 'cause Rafa had vaccinations today and didn't go well :hug:
I wouldnt be bothered, now ive heard that id just sit on her lap, if she said it hurt id say yeah, HEAVY ARENT I NOW !!!!
:wall: I hate the society we live in. No-one has any respect for anyone now! She obviously doesn't have kids... I never realised how hard being heavily pregnant is, until now!
I had exactly the same thing happen to me the other day!

I was on train to Exeter with my mum and i had RESERVED SEATS but when i got on there was a couple sat in our seats (probably no older than 30). I politely showed them our tickets and seat reservations and asked if they would mind moving and they point blank refused. She basically said "i was here first" to which i blew my nut and called her all sorts of names before my mum dragged me away. Had mother not been there i may have got myself thrown off, lol.

I just couldn't believe it, I'm clearly heavily pregnant and my mum is obviously of the "older" generation (not to mention she is slightly disabled but to be fair you wouldn't necesaarily spot it straight away).

It ruined the whole journey as mum and i could only find separate seats so couldn't even sit together and chat on our day trip out!

I know if that had been me, and i didn't move, my mum would whack me one for being so ignorant, what is wrong with people today?!
silly cow- i did like her.. but not now!
shes one of those unmaternal women though who loves her
job and going out drinking too much to consider having kids so it's not
that shocking that she feels like that. she probably thinks she needs the seat more coz she has a bad hangover! lol

i had to give up a seat on the bus for an old lady with a zimmer frame
when i was 8 months pregnant because no one else on the bus even bothered to offer theirs. Ppl just pretend they don't see the old and infirm or pregnant when it comes to getting off their lazy ass'!
:shakehead: iv always given up my seat for pregnant women or old people. now having been pregnant myself i kno how much its appreciated so enjoy doing it!
my sister told me that when she was pregnant she was on a train and it was really busy. the weather was warm aswel. She couldnt get a seat so had to stand (think her journey was quite long) no-one gave up their seats but not only that, she collapsed twice through heat and not one person came to help her or even ask if she was ok at any point! she said they just stared at her like she was weird or drunk! :shock:

I remember my dad telling me that when his leaukemia came back he suddenly lost the use of his legs in the public toilet. he literally couldnt get off the floor so had to crawl from the toilet and make his way to a phone or his car. he said not one person came to his aid and even accused of him being a drunk. It took a bus driver to realise he was obviously in distress. Called an ambulance and was air lifted to hospital!

people are just rude and not nice.
I had to sit on the floor in between carriages on a 4 hour train journey to Dublin once. I was about 28 or 30 weeks at the time. I wasn't huge or anything but it was bloody obvious I was pregnant especially as I was sitting there reading Maternity and Infant. I was right beside the loos too. A woman was there with her newborn, couldn't have been more than 3-4 weeks, she and her friend were desperatly trying to juggle baby, bags and pram, whilst having to move every 5 seconds for some idiot to go to the loo.
When a seat was finally free, I went and sat in it for her, so no one else could get it while she sorted out the above. She was so relieved, bless her. That poor baby having to sit right outside a smelly toilet :twisted:
Don't get me started... commuting every day to and from work... :x Only once was I offered a seat and it was by a lady with a reservation!! And the men with briefcases were the worst, think the world owes them something.
when i worked and lived in London, i was 5 months pregnant and there was a lady of about 7 months pregnant and we were alternating our seat as no one else would give up their seat. we were on the central line in rush hour and the train was moving very slowly.
I'm probably going to get shot down for this - but when I was pregnant and comunting back and fore to work everyday (buses and train) it didnt bother me that nobody would give me their seat.

I had SPD and was in pain, but it's just part of pregnancy in a way.

If I see a pregnant lady I will offer them my seat, as I'm like that.... but then I wouldn't expect people to do it back to me if that makes any sence.
People are so rude, a few weeks before my Mam died of cancer (so you can imagine how weak she was) she had to go on the train to London for a PET scan, she looked ill, even had a bandage on her throat from where they had done some tests.. not one person offered to move for her :cry: Luckily once she got to York a seat became free but that was still 20 minutes standing :x
Sweetcheeks24 said:
People are so rude, a few weeks before my Mam died of cancer (so you can imagine how weak she was) she had to go on the train to London for a PET scan, she looked ill, even had a bandage on her throat from where they had done some tests.. not one person offered to move for her :cry: Luckily once she got to York a seat became free but that was still 20 minutes standing :x

thats disgusting. i believe in Karma, what goes around.

and i am very sorry for your loss. :hug:
I always offer my seat to someone who clearly needs it, although I do hesitate offering them to the elderly if they're not struggling because the number of times I've been shot down in flames because I've clearly insulted them by implying they're old enough to need a seat has somewhat put me off. But with someone who's disabled or impaired in some way, or pregnant (as to me it's not so much the comfort of the mother but the safety of the baby I'm concerned about - what if they fell?!) I will always offer them a seat.

Some people are just so damn rude and lazy. It makes me mad!


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