Car seat question


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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We are trying to be organised and look ahead!! I can't see my LO still being in her car seat at 9 months - she is very long and also moving up the weight percentiles pretty quickly!!

We are looking to buy one of those Group 1 2 3 car seats that take them from approx 9 months to 11 years - I think it will be worth spending the extra now and only buying one rather than several over the years. The thing is the seat comes with a weight and age guideline. Did anyone move their LO into one of these before 9 months because they satisfied the weight criteria?

We are looking at a Britax Evolva that can be put in a recline position so thought we could do this to start with if we have to put LO in a bit earlier than 9 months. Just wondered what other people had done?
I can't see how old your LO is, but there's other things like head control to watch as well as weight. Also there are issues with putting a LO under 9months ish in a forward facing seat.

If she doesn't see this Augustmum is really clued up on next stage car seats. Might be worth dropping her a note. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
How weird you post this! Was just looking up this myself last night and was going to ask the same question.

I think the weight is more important with the car seats, there is no way t bird will be in her cabriofix at 9 months. I think the weight limit is 9kg and she's already almost 7kg at 3 months.

There was a bounty offer on the britax duo plus which was 109 scoobies I think so I was trying to work out if it was a good one or not. A recline position is a good feature I think.
We're not at it yet but don't think Harry will be in his til he's one.

We have a brutal now that goes up to 13kg but I think H will end up too tall for it

I do like the britax car seats though so will be watching this thread.....
I think the weight is more important with the car seats, there is no way t bird will be in her cabriofix at 9 months. I think the weight limit is 9kg and she's already almost 7kg at 3 months.


I was under the impression that length and head control were both more important that weight. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
We got the britax eclipse and that goes to 4 years as we thought there might be smaller advanced seats by the time my ds got to 4. It's a lovely seat and the recline is a great feature!! My lo went into it at 13 mths bcoz he's not very tall but he loves it although if I let him climb in the car himself he sits on the seat!
Weight isnt a factor really, they have to be 9kg to go into the bigger one not that they are too big for the newborn car seat. You need to look at changing when they are getting too tall for the back of the car seat and when they can pull themselves forward. HArrison tries to escape and is getting tall for it but I think they are the safest so going to keep him in it till 9ish months.
I think it would be pretty reckless to keep your baby in the group 0 carrier if they have exceeded the manufacturers weight limit just because they aren't long enough.
Im only writing what I have been advised, up to you what you do.
"Child restraints are divided into categories, according to the weight of the children for whom they are suitable. These correspond broadly to different age groups, but it is the weight of the child that is most important when deciding what type of child restraint to use."
My baby seat is upto 15kg/12 months! Just looked it up today, there is no way on this earth she will fit in it for that long, the straps are loosened as much as possible now to get her in and it's still a struggle, they tighten up fine though and her feet are just beginning to stick over the end
from what i can remember if you but the car seats suitable from birth to so many years!! they have to be rear facing until at least 9months and then go forward facing in one but weight is important in the ones that are suitable from 9months as they have to be a certain weight before the can use it!!

with my harry we bought the 9month plus britax and he went in it bout 8months due to his weight :) xx
It is much safer to have your child rear facing so the aim is to have them in the group 0 seat for as long as possible. Forward facing seats subject their tiny bodies to much greater forces in collisions.

If your baby is 9 months old and only weighs 8kg you can keep them in the group 0 seat until they weigh 9kg.

I just realised the cabriofix is 0+ which is good news. t bird can stay in it until she is 13kg.
This is my dilemma. She is 75th centile for weight and inbetween 91st and 98th for her height. The car seat I want to buy cannot be rear facing but surely if she satisfies the weight and height criteria then surely it's ok for her to go in when she has outgrown her other one (I mean 8 months ish, not at 5 months or anything like that!). Surely a group 123 car seat is designed to follow on from a group 0?
Oh I have the cabriofix as well, so hopefully it will tie me over til she's ready for the next one. x

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