car seat advice needed please girls


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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evening all...

our son is six and half months and we have the car seat that came with our graco tour delux travel system...the car seat has been fine until now. i have noticed that when he falls asleep his head falls forward or to the side. im worried that he will restrict his brething or hurt his neck. im not sure if we should invest in a car seat that is both rear/forward facing seat that has much more support. or can he go in a forward facing one yet ? as i said above he is 6 1/2 months and just under 16lbs and very long for his age. urgently need ur advice girls what do i do ? by a decently supported combined rear/forward seat or just jump to a forward facing seat ????

so confused

Rhian and baby christopher
We bought a combi rear and forward facing seat, as Ellie was getting really squashed in hers.
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr why do people post the same question ALL over the forum!!!!

it gets right on my tits! im not replying in protest!!!! :rotfl:
thats like mine although ive had mine nearly 10 years :shock:
if putting in to a forward facing seat she must be able to sit on her own unaided.

keep her rear facing as long as possible, it is safer in an accident.
as her neck muscles are not well enought developed.
When stephen got too much for his carseat out of his travel system, i bought him a front facing one from 5 months and because he was nearly sitting up anyways he was fine.
mrs_tommo22 said:
When stephen got too much for his carseat out of his travel system, i bought him a front facing one from 5 months and because he was nearly sitting up anyways he was fine.

That is quite dangerous, as you say 'nearly' sitting up, had you ha d acar accident baby could have really hurt his neck, it is advised that you leave them rear facing for as long as possible, i know its awkward but it is safest for them to be rear facing until they can sit FULLY unaided.

Beileve me after having a serious car accident with my 5 month old son in the car, i am sooo glad he was rear facing he came out unscathed, thought the medic said if he had been front facing it would have been more serious.

Don't mess with your childs saftey, i might sound harsh but i wanted to put ewan forward facing as soon as possible but after the accident he was 9 months when he was turned around.
Hypnorm said:
mrs_tommo22 said:
When stephen got too much for his carseat out of his travel system, i bought him a front facing one from 5 months and because he was nearly sitting up anyways he was fine.

That is quite dangerous, as you say 'nearly' sitting up, had you ha d acar accident baby could have really hurt his neck, it is advised that you leave them rear facing for as long as possible, i know its awkward but it is safest for them to be rear facing until they can sit FULLY unaided.

Beileve me after having a serious car accident with my 5 month old son in the car, i am sooo glad he was rear facing he came out unscathed, thought the medic said if he had been front facing it would have been more serious.

Don't mess with your childs saftey, i might sound harsh but i wanted to put ewan forward facing as soon as possible but after the accident he was 9 months when he was turned around.

mmi think sometimes it takes personal experience to bring dangers home doesn't it.

the other day i saw a family in a car and in the back two kids no older than 4 were lose playing about - the car windows wide open!!! grrrr makes me flip coz of all the adverts and info on how dangerous it is and they STILL DO IT!!!! :x
I agree with you Budge, people seem to value their child lives and then risk playing roulette with life by taking silly risks just to make thier life easier.

I wouldn't dream of not strapping Ewan in to a seat, if he wouldn't stay in it we would return home or just sit untill he kept it on.

The number of times i've seen kids jumping up and down in cars.
Or putting their new born baby on the front seat with an airbag.

Just doesn't make sense to me.
mrs_tommo22 was only giving me her advice on the situation..asshe said her son was fine in a front facing seat...i dont think she needs to be ripped apart in relation to her playing with her sons life. thats unfair.

im going to leave christopher in a rear seat as long as i can but he is out growing the travel system seat very fast so i rang halfords - explaned the problem and they told me we need a combination seat - but when in store we spoke to a silly bint who said "well aslong as his head isnt towering over the top of the seat then leave him 3 months" so i walked out fairly angry as she didint even look at him in his current seat. he really cnt get comfy in it and when asleep his head falls forward - so im still stuck with what to do?
people are way too touchy some times - in no way was i 'having a go'
I have been in the situation of having a head on car crash with my son in the back seat, and i was giving what i consider strong lifesaving advice, from an experience i hope no one else has.

To be placing a child at 5 months in a front facing seat is dangerous, and i was just pointing this out.

Then i was refering to Budges comment, in general and not having a go at the person who wrote this thread.

If you phone the firebrigade they will arrange a time to come and check your sons fit in the seat and to make sure it is fitted correctly, and to watch you fitting it too... it is WELL worth the phone call, and the can also tell you which seat is the best for you car, as not all will fit in the same car.
oh no i wasn't having a go at anyone either! :(

hypnorm im definately going to phone the fire brigade for assistance with my car seats! :lol: woohoo :cheer:
thanks for the advice on the fire brigde - will phone them 2mrw to get them to check him in it for me - thanks so so much for that i wasnt accusing u of having a go and i understand how unsafe it is to have a child under 9 months to be in a front facing seat...will certianly get the fireman out.

Rhian and Christopher
yeah if you speak to your midwife or phone your local brigade they will be able to point you in the direction.

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