Cant wait to show


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2005
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Im being a little impatient i am only 5 weeks but really want to get my bump and show the world im pregnant.

What week do you start showing?
i've noticed i've started thickening around the middle... it's not all front but around the back too... not fat just thicker... I notice in the afternoon i have quite a pop.... I put a pair of my jeans on yesterday and they where quite tight to fasten. They looked the same on my bum and thighs (no change there - thank god) but my stomach/waist is thickening.


I have just noticed how i've popped out in the past couple of weeks......i can no longer fit into any of my old jeans......I feel great....and love having a bit of a belly, i just can't wait for it to get bigger!!

I would say around week 10/11 my stomach was getting thicker and like Hayley said not just the front the back too, and then suddenly in about week 14 i popped out.....but now each week i'am noticing how quickly my stomach and body is's amazing!!

Amy xx
Thank you for your reply i cant wait for my belly to come. Roll on week 11
I've been so nauseous the last couple of weeks, only sitting very still and eating loads seems to help. I look like I'm showing already!

But I think it's cake, not baby....... :oops:
Hello :D

I too was very impatient and wanted to get my bump straight away to show the world that I was PG and not just getting fat :) I noticed that at about 12 weeks my clothes were getting snug, my jeans were the worst as I tended to wear hipster type ones but I didn't look PG, more like I had been eating a bit more than normal. :?

I started to get a baby type bump at about 18 weeks, and now at 21+3 I am showing quite nicely :D :D People at work have started to comment now that I look PG, which I love :D I have to be totally honest I really didn't like the in-between stage when I looked fat but it doesn't last long. I am now being told that I will soon get sick of the bump especially when it grows even bigger, but at the moment I really can't imagine that happening!!


I agree with PrickleyFairy. From about 13 weeks it seems to have formed alot better. Before that you think you look preggers but it could easily be mis-interpreted as being just a bit fat - probably why not alot of people say anything to you but they kindda know.

I'm still not feeling like it's a proper bump - but my clothes are suffering! Getting to the stage where I know I've probably only got about 2 weeks (that's stretching it!) to wear my jeans anymore.

Bought a long denim skirt from Mothercare last week, elasticised's very, very comfy but I can't wear that everyday so may need to do some more shopping.

I guess I better face taking some pics soon and placing them on the forum.

I'm feeling a bit upset about peoples reactions about this middle area spread.... I've always been between a size 10 to 12. I'm finding people can't wait to see me get bigger (or fat as they call it) Maybe it's just the people I know but I'm becoming very annoyed and upset at their comments... I've always been very aware of putting on any weight and always looked after myself. I think this is why people can't wait to see me get bigger. A friend of mine likes to call me fatty at the moment.. which is very annoying but more so when we're on a girlie nite out! I think i've put on about 2lb (max 3lb) since finding out (i'm 11 weeks) I don't think this is a great deal.. and to everyone else not noticable... This friend has recenlty given birth and lost all her baby weight quite quickly... which is brilliant! hope I do the same... but her comments and others are hurtful.. i think a lot of people say things as a joke but to a hormonal first time pregnant woman who doesn't know exactly how her body is going to grow and change they are nasty... anyone else experienced this? am nI being over sensative?
Hi everyone

Not to dishearten those of you that aren't showing yet but first time round I didn't show until about 6 1/2 months! I just looked a little chubbier up until then. I was really resentful of all the others with bumps and just wanted mine to show! Then all of a sudden I started to grow my bump (well, not just my bump but everywhere!) and because it happened so quick I had loads of stretchmarks.

This time though I am now 13 1/2 wks and have lost weight since becoming pregnant and still don't show unless I try to force my tummy out! I was hoping I would show a little sooner this time but at the moment its not working!

Hayley - like you I had a bit of a problem with the weight gain etc. It sounds incredibly selfish and stupid I know but I really resented what the baby was doing to my body i.e. weight gain (about 3 1/2 - 4 stone by full term), stretch marks, not to mention the way I felt etc. I think mine stems to the fact that about a year ot two before I had been in a fairly bad relationship where I really wasn't happy and I had developed problems with eating and ended up losing so much weight. Although I was physically over this by the time I fell pregnant, mentally and emotionally it was still there at the back of my mind and a struggle.

This time though I feel a little better about it although I have more of an idea about how my body reacts when i'm pregnant so I can look after it a little better with regards to what I eat etc.

It sounds so silly because you get something so wonderful at the end but at the end of the day, I can't control the way my brain works so I try not to worry about all these feelings and put it down to the pregnancy hormones playing havoc!

I hope you are a little bit happier after reading this Hayley and try not to worry about how you are feeling and DO NOT feel guilty as this will make it worse!

Sorry this is such a long posting!!

Tan x
Hi Tan

I personnal feel okay about putting weight on.. putting weight on means my bean is growing nicely.. as i say i've only put about 2lb on at the moment but just hate the fact everyone is dying for me to balloon... I can't wait to get a bump and show it off... I think pregnant woman look lovely! one friend was quite big for a long time, the fact she has lost weight has given her lots of confidence and this is brilliant - but why does she want me to get big???

Hayley, They are jealous!!!!

Let them get on with it and try not to let it bother you.

Love Sam xx
My experience so far has been the same as Hayley and Pricklefairy. At about 11/12 weeks I noticed my waist was thicker and at 14 weeks my belly seemed to pop out.

I don't look pregnant just like I've eaten too much. Depending on what clothes I'm wearing, people who didn't know I was pregnant wouldn't really notice that my belly is a little more pot bellied than normal. I'm in the awkward in between stage.

Hayley - those people sound jealous. Although you put weight on when your pregnant you might not necessarily look as though you have, it might be all baby/boobs/uterus etc.. I bet you'll still look slim.

A friend of ours who had a baby a couple of months back looked really slim all through her pregnancy, it was only her boobs and belly that got bigger to any noticeable extent. Most of my colleagues at work have been the same, from the back they didn't even look pregnant.

I've never been overweight so it's going to be strange putting on god knows how much weight but there's no way I'll let myself live with any excess weight afterwards.

It'll all be worth it!

It was my MIL that kept saying that I was getting fat, and laughing as though it was really funny, I got really upset by her comments and in the end DH had a word with her about it - she hasn't said anything else since.

I agree it is insensitive of those people who are making comments, but like the others have said they must be jealous.

At least we are putting on weight for a reason and not just because we have eaten all the pies :D :D It will all be worth it in the end.

I have one friend in particular my best friend! that is really horrible to be saying I will be really fat have saggy boobs and she hopes the baby does not have my nose and my O/H chin! She also said to another mate in front of me that she would not be so silly to get pregnant! can say i really hate her at times!
It's strange why people act like this... there's insensitive and then there is rude!!!!

It's a difficult one because if you reply to peoples sarcastic comments your being sensitive or hormonal...

It all boils down to jealousy which is sad!! ignore your friend Imwarr. In one way you have something she might desperately want... just smile and say "but i'm happy"....

It's a very valid discussion and I think it must be linked to the fact that to an awful lot of people once you're pregnant your body's not your own anymore, it's like you become social property!

Think of all the prodding and poking that goes on by medical staff, not to mention the comments by just about everyone and complete strangers touching your tummy in the street! (It will happen.....)

I think the secret is not to be uptight about it. Relax and accept everyone will have things to say about your appearance during pregnancy, but noone says you have to listen.

Yes, your bodies going to change, but so did millions of womens' before you, and millions after. It's a small price to pay, lets chill out!

Water off a ducks back......
LittleMinx - i like the way you look at it... it's so true! everyone wants to offer advice and touch you.. just today a work collegue pulled my top up to see my belly! would this be acceptable if i wasn't pregnant? and why did she think she had a right to lift my clothes up? I don't think she'd of thought twice about it if i wasn't pregnant....

I suppose we're gonna have to just grin and bear it for a while....

Bloomin eck, if anybody dared lift up my clothes to look at my stomach I'd want to slap them!

You just wouldn't dream of it would you?!!

Looks like we're in for an interesting journey. :D

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