cant stop crying - baby and me!! :(:(


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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Whats going on, Dylan will not stop crying!! I think hes currently having a growth spurt as wont stop feeding. Do they go through a crying period when having a growth spurt?
He seriously wont stop and i dont think its colic as it hasnt just been this evening, he started crying at 7 this morning and its now 8 at night and im not exagerating he has not stopped crying!!!
He has had 2 half hour naps all day so i think hes over tired as well. Hes also being sick a lot but just a little bit every now and then so not projectile or anything.
I've checked his temp and he's not got a fever. I dont think he is unwell but i dont know why hes crying. Its not even particulary a distressed cry just an attention cry but then again no matter how much i jig him, cuddle him ect he wont stop!
I've gone through the checklist time after time, clean bum, fed, not too hot or cold so theres nothing obviously wrong with him.
Please help i dont know what to do. Had another terrible night last night and i can barely read what im typing im so tired. Sorry to feel so sorry for myself and moan again but im so upset and cant see a light at the end of the tunnel yet :cry:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I don't really know what to suggest hun because you have done everything and it certainly sounds like he is suffering from something bless him. Have you tried gripe water or infacol just incase it is colic?

I hope you get him sorted soon and try not to get yourself upset ok.
:hug: :hug: aww hon you poor thing!
I would perhaps try the infacol in case, but remember it needs to build up in their system and may take 24hrs to work.
Hope things get better, fwiw Niamh sometimes has whingy days where she grizzles all day unless I am feeding her.
Oh hun, its bloody hard isnt it? I completley understand :hug:
Isla did this the other day and nearly drove me daft, she also was screaming non stop for few hours last night, it was a case of trapped wind....she goes mad!! We try infacol, gripe water and detinox (not all at same time ov), and winding her but sometimes it just wont come out! The infacol does produce more burps than without using it so give it a try!
It must really hurt them, coz I have a right whinge when I have trapped wind...and they are only little! Bless
Hope it gets better soon :hug:
It's really hard, but if you're upset, your LO is probably picking up on it. Does a bath help? You could even have one together?
It wasnt 8 oclock actually it was 7 i cant even read the time anymore :wall: :wall:

I will try gripe water again i think.
I hope tonight is better, OH was called in to work today as well so i was on my own rocking Dylan every minute of the day. Thankfully hes off tomorrow so he can help me out a bit.
Its so bloody hard i dont know whats wrong and its sooo draining. Is this not normal in a growth spurt then?

Thanks for replying x
Not normal during a growth spurt I shudnt imagine.

Did you say you were breast feeding?! or bottle?

You say LO is feeding often?

Poor little thing!
It's so hard when they're like this and you're on your own. :hug: Calum has increased his feeding the past couple of days so it is possible it's a growth spurt and maybe some wind? The gripe water won't hurt so you might as well try it. I hope he's better for you today! :hug:
breast feeding. - every 45 minutes.
i remember someone saying that babies do cry more at 6 weeks?
surely not like this though?

hes still crying :cry: OH's holding him whilst i desperately search for answers.
Does he ever seem uncomfrotable feeding?? What does his sick smell like? Milk, or, adult vomit?
hes been really fussy feeding he sort of messes about on the boob. He has a few sucks, then takes himself off to scream then goes back on and this seems to go on for most feeds. I try winding him whenever he comes off but usually nothing comes up. to be honest i dont do if for long though because he screams to go back on.
His sick varies between looking like just plain milk that he brings back up, to propper thicker sick with more of a bitty texture. It is still white though no blood or anything like that in it. I have noticed that it was smelly a couple of times though and not just of milk.
Do you think theres more to it then?
My first thought when I read your original post was reflux and I must say that the more I've read the more it wounds like it could be. It often develops around 3 months so Dylan is a little young yet but it's not impossible.

Reflux doesn't have to involve being sick (but often does) - the worst symptom for my little girl was that after her first 'lot' of milk she'd burp and then scream in pain and arch her back like she was really uncomfortable. Things would only ease for her after an hour or so. If you're feeding Dylan every 45 minutes and it IS reflux this pain might not be going away for him :(

I really think you're doing everything you can do at the moment but I would say that crying all day like this is NOT normal and you need to get Dylan checked out by a doctor - perhaps ring your local out of hours service? My local GP was crap with the reflux (said I was overreacting) but the out of hours place spotted it straightaway!

As for the being sick, reflux often shows itself as burping not just after feeds but all the way between feeds too and being sick a bit with it.

Horrible illness for baby and parents, and I really feel for you :hug:

PM me if you want to know more.

Obviously it might not be reflux - but you'll need to get him to the doctor to find that out.
Could be Reflux... have you looked at the symptoms etc??

LO dosent always have to be vomiting all the time to have reflux, Corey has silent reflux, meaning that he fussed/refused food, was therefore hungry wanting to feed more, but then not take it... arched his back and screamed while feeding, his sick also smelt like mine would all acidy and horrid.

Keep an eye on LO see if he seems to bring little bits up and then chew/swallow them back down again.

Have a look on the internet for silent reflux, and see if the symptoms are similar.

Corey screamed 18 hours a day for the 1st 12 weeks of his life. NO exhaduration. Until I finally got sick of the shit GP and took him to A&E.
CoreysMummy said:
Could be Reflux... have you looked at the symptoms etc??

LO dosent always have to be vomiting all the time to have reflux, Corey has silent reflux, meaning that he fussed/refused food, was therefore hungry wanting to feed more, but then not take it... arched his back and screamed while feeding, his sick also smelt like mine would all acidy and horrid.

Keep an eye on LO see if he seems to bring little bits up and then chew/swallow them back down again.

Have a look on the internet for silent reflux, and see if the symptoms are similar.

Corey screamed 18 hours a day for the 1st 12 weeks of his life. NO exhaduration. Until I finally got sick of the sh*t GP and took him to A&E.

OMG that was basically my post :rotfl: great minds think alike!!!
ha ha, great minds think alike Becca!! ;)

I do hope its not Reflux, it is horrible!!
this may be a stupid question but do you think he is actually getting anything when he is feeding? sounds like he is struggling if he is having a couple of sucks screaming then trying again? have you tried expressing a bit to check?

Have you tried winding him for a while?

you may have already tried these things just going through a checklist in my head.
Thank you for the replies, i have just done some quick research and im pleased to say i dont think it is reflux. Hes crying constantly but not in a distressed way. hes also not burping much or arching his back when crying so i dont think that it.

emmie said:
this may be a stupid question but do you think he is actually getting anything when he is feeding? sounds like he is struggling if he is having a couple of sucks screaming then trying again? have you tried expressing a bit to check?

Have you tried winding him for a while?

you may have already tried these things just going through a checklist in my head.
I did question this as well but i an hear him swallowing with the few sucks that he does have and he always dribbles it down his face as well so i know hes getting some.

I just dont know whats bothering him. could he just purely be in a bad mood? or does 10 hours almost constant crying sound a bit excessive to be put down to just an "off day"|?

Thankfully im seeing doc for his 6 week check on Monday anyway but how the hell do i cope if tomorrow is the same??
You dont cope. You join us in the PND thread hun.

Sorry to sound morbid. God I hope that the Dr can help you out...!
You say you are winding him but nothing is coming up. I would think he has wind in there but can't get it out. Hence the fussing on and off your boob, the crying lots and so on. It all sounds like colic in a breastfed baby to me. All day crying is not right and I think it could well be colic as its around now it starts. My son spent 2 days crying and doing what you describe before Infacol kicked in and the others things I list helped.

I would start him on Infacol asap and give it before every feed regardless. It takes all the small gas bubbles and makes them into one big one which is easier to burp up. I would also sit him in a bath to help soothe him. Make it deep so it covers his chest and hold him upright in it. Sit in the bath with him if its easier. Stay in for 10 minutes or so. Hopefully this will get some wind out and also soothe him. It worked wonders for our LO when his colic was bad. We used a tummy tub mostly but big bath also. So long as the water covers the chest and they are upright.

Sucking relieves colic but in a breastfed baby keep going on the boob only makes them worse in the discomfort stakes as they keep taking in more milk which then causes more pain. Yes he needs to feed but in between the feeds he needs to suck on something other than your boob. Consider a dummy. His pulling on and off and seeming to fuss is proably because every time he tries to suck it just causes him more discomfort.

Wind him in different positions -

Up on your shoulder while rubbing gently on his back in circular motions.

Hold him on your shoulder and support his neck and gently rock back and forth so he is leant onto his back somewhat while being held in your arms, then tilt upright again and repeat a number of times.

Sit him on your lap and support his head and neck in one hand with fingers and thumb and gently rub his back with the other.

Rocking him might soothe him. If it doesn't try him up over/on your shoulder so that he has his tummy on you resting. He can be more upright then.
My love, you are trapped in a vicious circle of overtieredness, leading to poor sleep, leading to poor feeding etc.... I had this as a new mum with Austin. I have to be honest, I found he was better when very well fed and I would look into whether your LO is feeding as efficiently as possible. Mine had reflux but if it isn't that then it could be that your milk supply is not keeping up with the growth spurt and you may want to consider giving a top up of formula in the evening as this is the time of day most womens milk supply is lower as well as perhaps giving a fuller tummy before the night sleep which helps with sleep training. If you are interested in introducing a bottlelike this then do it before 6/8 weeks as after that time a lot of babies refuse a bottle. Definetly call your HV tomorrow for advice. The other thing you could do is express about 60/90mls in the morning (when you have a better milk supply) before a feed. Pop it in the fridge and use it to top up before bed instead of formula.

Wind is a nightmare and I used to have to hold my Lo upright for 30mins after each feed. Sorry if this is how your LO is too. Some are luck yand don't suffer with it. Others have a complete nightmare!!!!!!

After a month babies begin to be a bit more aware of their surroundings and not just sleeping, this is a good time to think about getting a bed bath routine going so decide what time you are going to begin and aim for LO to be in bed. Keep trying each day even if it really is a joke. Be strong and stick with it as after a few days your LO will begin to find the routine familiar and reassuring which is great at this:- the worst and most unsettling time for babies. You need to quickly decide where you are most comfortable in the house feeding and settling and then stick to that place for all feeds and settling (your bedroom is a good place), at least until LO he has learned to settle. I recommend dim lights - candle light is good as it also give LO something to gaze at. Lavender smells are calming and maybe even soft relaxing music. An awesome top tip is 'Pulsitilla' it is a homeopathic remedy so good for both you and baby as is gentle and natural. It calms and settles and deals with seperation anxiety. I even took it for my driving test to calm my nerves, it is brilliant. You can take it too to help you be more relaxed about the lack of sleep etc..

Whatever you do don't feed and settle your baby in front of the TV or in a noisy distracting area of the house for now and definetly make this a rule for all evening/ overnight feeds. As someone else suggested, infacol is the dogs bollocks for most windy babies. Swaddling helps young babies feel more secure and sleep better.

Okay going to stop rambling now. Hope some of this is helpful. Be consistent and deaf if possible, You will get there and your baby will be content, smiling and giving you feedback in no time. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Best wishes,
Becs x

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