cant stay awake today

Vicki & Nathan

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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im having a lazy day today i have no energy, i didnt wake up til 11 :oops: and now im tired already
might have to have a lil nap in a bit :D
make hay whilst the sun shines!!!! you won't get the chance for a lazy day in a few weeks time... enjoy!

I was like that yesterday, had the day off and I could not stay awake, dozed on the sofa all day vaguely watching the tennis :D
Neither can, but i have a good excuse (GTT test being sucked for blood) whats yours vicky or are you just knackered in general?not surpirsing considering your dates hun
Lazy mare!! only joking, :lol: Get the rest while you can.
I was walking around the retail park with my mom yesterday and I didn't wanna say anything but by the end of the day my feet were killing. Then went food shopping with OH and because it was food, I forgot about the pain in my feet cos mmm food everywhere :)

But last night and today, I have pain in the top of my right leg and Im walking like, really wide.. if that makes sense! So nothing for me to do today but idle around the house and hope the pain goes away!
Aww, I had the same yesterday. I had a day of major period pain and just lay on the sofa (in a positive position to encourage LO to settle on its side) feeling sorry for myself LOL!!

aww hun your at the end of your pregnancy you bound to be tired sleep as much as you can now :)
i felt tired around 3 today but tehn i was up about 7.35am :shock: normally get up about 10 otr 11.

good luck with sleeping :)
i was like this yesturday, baerly moved all day till mum took me to saisnburys.
but like she said i should make the most of all the rest i can get right now :)
jus take it easy..
enjoy doing nothing :) hehe
I felt knackered last night but after some pizza and chips and cereal i soon got my energy back.

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