Can't stand long!! Without going dizzy/faint heart racing!!


Oct 2, 2015
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Is anyone experiencing this or have experienced this?I have had many tests and can't find what is wrong. Please if anyone can shed any light on this I would greatly appreciate it.
Hiya hon, yes I was low earlier on but on 3 tablets a day now and within normal range x
If its what I've had its vasovagal episodes
Your circulatory system struggles to pump blood through when stood up and gravity basically makes it start pooling in my legs
For me it starts with my legs tingling, then my chest feels heavy and i cant gwt a full breath in and eventually if i stood long enough my vision starts narrowing and hearing gets quieter
I basically need to keep sitting down
If im out in town its bad cos youre busy and cant easily sit

I got really annoyed when getting checked out cos they do blood pressure when sitting but i kept saying its fine when im sat you morons lol
Do it after im stood a while and then see!

Basically... The cure is give birth and get rid of the excess blood
Not great though:(
Hi Gail, are you still pregnant? How far are you chick? Does your heart go crazy when stood up? And how far are you? I am so fed up of this? I really hope it goes after baby is born xx
Yep I have this too. Had an awful case of palpitations last night even after sitting down with legs elevated. I'm on iron tablets and my blood pressure is a bit all over the place. Non pregnant BP is fairly low but I did have PET in first pregnancy and BP is currently inconsistent ranging from very low to borderline high.
An episode caused me to sit down in the middle of the fridge Isle of wait rose the other day. Height of embarrassment.
My blood pressure is all over the place too mrs TLC and before pregnancy it's usually low. Do you feel dizzy when standing? Does it happen all the time? It does with me I can't stand longer than few minutes. I hope it goes after birth! X
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I have this. I quite often have to lean on things to get my breath back and clear my head. It's just shortness of breath causing it for me
Im 37+4 now Saraloux

I had to sit in the middle of the cycling accessories aisle in Wilkos last weekend
I actually got annoyed that people passed and didn't look or ask if I was ok
I even considered maybe it was normal for people to just be sat in the middle of shop floors!!

My heartrate stays fast for a bit afterwards but does settle again
Its your body struggling to get the blood pumping round
Lying down is better than sitting if you can
Generally though my blood pressure is perfectly fine apart from if im on my feet too long (which really isn't that long at all!)
I hope this goes when we give birth ladies! I can't imagine this with a new born! Xx
My blood pressure is all over the place too mrs TLC and before pregnancy it's usually low. Do you feel dizzy when standing? Does it happen all the time? It does with me I can't stand longer than few minutes. I hope it goes after birth! X

Yes. Standing is much worse than walking about, but both are horrid. I normally do my best to get regular seats if I'm out. If I stand too fast I just full on faint. Lying on my back, for a scan etc requires me to spend 5 minutes on my side before standing again. At a private scan at 29 weeks I completely forgot and jumped up straight after. ... big mistake, I was in a heap on the floor.

It happened last pregnancy but the minute baby was out, I returned to normal.

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