Cant keep up with him!


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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Harely was 9lb 3weeks ago, and today he was weighed and is 12lb 3oz :shock:
he has jumped from the 91st centile to the 99th centile :shock:
and he is only classed as a 3week old baby as he was premiture
he has 7oz of milk every 3 hrs. i cant keep up with him

its 3 hrs all day and all night, im getting at the most 3hrs sleep a night :cry:

oww yes and hes just had his jabs today and was fine
my brave strong soldier
Well done harley!
Dont know what to suggest with the food. It makes me wonder, you said dior went through a lot of liquid, he is maybe gearing up to be the same.
Is he taking any boiled water?
Hi Laura yeah i give him about 1-2 oz of watwer between every feed. i like a lil chubby baby and knowing my baby is putting on weight but i dont want him to be obease
Kayl1986 said:
maybe try putting Harley on the second stage milk that should fill him 4 longer. well thats if u havent already.

i tryed it hun, he was terrible with it he cryed all day as if he had wind the HV says hes still so young and should not give him it. i had the worse 2 days ever when he was on it.

Dior went on it at 3weeks as she was a fatty too but she was fine with the next stage milk
:shock: WOW he's almost as heavy as Rubie and she's nearly 6 months!! Sounds like he's doing brilliantly, well done Harley, and well done you, it must be hard work feeding him every 3 hours and looking after Dior too x
i dont think you have anything to worry about, he is just a big growing boy. Jess drank milk like that I thought i would end up filling the bottles to the top but she slowed down eventually and is starting to even out now.

What a boy, there is nothing nicer than a big baby.
R u still trying with the breast feeding? i know how hard it can b keeping up!
Wow well done Harley!!!

Maybe try the Omneo Comfort or SMA Staydown milks. They are thicker and since Damien has been on it he has slept much better, his feeding times spaced out, and his weight was steady everytime he was weighed. It should also relieve the sick problem he has. It is £7 odd a tub, but if he suits SMA Staydwn it can be given on prescription. If it reduces his sickness and discomfort the doc should prescribe it.

Can't beleive that little dot I saw yesterday is over 12lb!!! :shock: :D
OMG Dionne he's growing so quick Abi was 5 1/2 months before she was that heavy lol. Well done Harley :clap:
Manda said:
OMG Dionne he's growing so quick Abi was 5 1/2 months before she was that heavy lol. Well done Harley :clap:

Just looked in my red book and Damien was 3 months (13weeks) before he was that heavy too! Way to go Harley :dance:

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