can't eat!!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
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hi i am 8weeks. i was only feeling sick and being sick every few days until now!!! Now i am sick everything including water. It has only been for 4days but its worrying as i am being sick my supplements like folic acid. Has this happened to anyone else? i have tried ginger, having bread and water next to my bed to eat in the night, eating little and often but it does not work!! please help?!
Sorry to hear you are feeling so ill honey. :hug: This has not happened to me. I have only vomited once.

The only advice I can give you is get your self checked out at the doctors, they might be able to give you something safe to stop the vomiting.

They do say that vomiting is a sign o a strong pregnancy.

Look after yourself and let us know how you are feeling over the next few days.
thank you nie! thats good news its a sign of a strong preg as last time i was not sick at all and miscarried.

i will visit the doctor tomo though very worried about taking any medication at this stage!! you never know with doctors-one min its safe the next its not!!

lucky you feeling ok!! i'll let you know how i get on with the doctor!
Hiya hun, I would get urself to the doctors and they will advise you hun. They may give you some anti sickness pills so that you can eat a bit as they gave them to me as I couldnt eat cos felt really sick all the time. Hope you feel better soon hun x
Yeah, get it checked out flower. It might be that you have a bug, rather than it being your normal pregnancy type sickness :?
tyry a health food shop.. for ginger tablets.. they are brilliant for travel sicknes.. and they (as far as i know) cant harm you or the baby.. obviously check with the shop 1st.. they will usually say on packet neway.. i would rather take soemthing natural than somethign from the xx
I had this with my daughter. I went to the doctor who reasured me that your body will make sure the baby gets all the goodness from whats in your body. I was advised to drink as much water as i could. Luckily it only lasted 2-3 weeks with me.

I sicked out the suppliment of folic acid to and Leah is fine.

Hope you feel better soon hun,

Go see a doctor. I was given those horrible drinks (dyralite or i think thats what there called) because I had a bug. They taste awful but they made me feel 100% better.
thanks everyone-the doctor said that if it continues they will help but for now just to drink as much water as possible x

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