Can't believe I'm here!


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2010
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I made it! Finally in Tri 2, and althugh still a little stressed, feeling much better overall :D

My 12 week scan went just fine, and after last time, I've been put straight under consultant cre at my locl hospital. I get extra scans at 14 weeks (which I had Monday and all was fine) and another at 18 weeks.

They also do an internal scan each time to check cervix etc, but the indignity is well worth the extra peeps at whats going on inside :D Bump has 2 arms and 2 legs (good sign lol) and we saw the spinal column, heartbeat and ribcage. nd bump gave us a ittle wave which was fab. I never look at the scan until the sonographer says everythng is fine, but Hubby looks all the time and says Bump was flipping about like a fish but went still (except for the wave!) while I was looking.

I'm to keep on with the Pregnacare tablets as they have iron in, and I'm prone to iron deficiency being a veggie, and they also put me on Cyclogest pessaries (yuk!) but I stopped taking them as they irritate, but I'm going to try them again this week and see if I get on any better.

Have also been at hospital twice for physio as my back is giving me real trouble (stretchy ligaments are not fab if you have back trouble anyway!) but no pain at the mo so all is good.

Feel like I'm living at hospital and the docs at the mo.. they want to see me all the time as my last pg wasn't a happy one.. but it really great to feel so well looked after :D Ask me again on Monday after I have a flu jab though.. not looking forward to that, assuming it's gonna make me poorly :(

We've even told a few of our closest friends so all in all I'm feeling a hundred times better than I was :D Still desperately want to get past 20 weeks (end of Jan) as that was when it all went wrong last time, but the days and weeks are moving along so hopefully it'll come round quick :D Still keep your fingers crossed for em though girls ;)

Looking forward to having a browse round Tri 2 and seeing familiar faces and catching up on all your news :D

Love to you all xxx
Hey falling,

Really glad all is going well so far and that you are clearly being well looked after!

Welcome to Tri2 :)
I love how positive you are regardless of your previous pregnancy - Keep your optimism! :D xx
Hey FS welcome to tri 2! Well done on keeping positive hun! xx
Hey Falling I was wondering where you had gone.

I don't know much about your last pregnancy however it sounds like you are having a very positive one this time round which is excellent!

Welcome back x
:yay: Welcome...its a great feeling moving to tri 2! Next it will be scary tri 3 argh lol xx
yay :) so pleased that you are having regular checks and scans :) welcome to T2

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