Cant believe how cold it is!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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I cant believe how cold it has gone over the last few days, summer has definately gone(if we ever really had one) im been contemplating getting my ugg boots out for the last few days, but this morning they have official made there first appearence of auturm/winter 2010! I dont care if i get funny looks, atleast im warm! x x

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I have been wearing my fur lined boots (not ugg boots) for the last few days as it feels like autumn just decided it was starting and dropped freezing cold weather on us! There wasn't even a nice cooling down period, it's gone straight from summer (ok not a massively hot one but it was warm even when it was raining) to autumn, no segue! So glad we invested in seriously warm coats this year!
I'm still not feeling the cold which is good cos it means the heating hasn't gone on yet!! I'm a tight ass when it comes to the heating but I still slept with my window open last night and one leg out the duvet lol!! Cold weather means one thing though... Christmas is getting closer hehee
:yay: i love Christmas. Ive just got to work and the office is freezing, the heating is going on x x

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i definitely felt the cold yesterday. i was on the way back home and i was freezing and the wind was crazy. was thinking to myself in the train station that i need to purchase hat, gloves, scarf and some warm comfy boots.
Christmas is coming soon, can not wait xxx
I usually have a few windows open in my flat but yesterday they all got shut it was bloody freezing!!
Urgh i know - brrrrrrrrrrrr!

We bought our first house last winter and it's really big and we just froze because we were so unprepared.

Now we have this huge log stove but it's still trying to figure out how to get it cozy throughout the house instead of hot one end and cold the other (the office end :roll:).

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr, need to get my winter wardrobe out.
Was cold all night even with OH in the bed and am now sat with blanket over me on the sofa, it's nippy!
I was expecting summer to start but nope it's freezing! Oh well winter clothes shopping here we come and what a waste of summer clothes!!!
Im off winter clothes shopping this afternoon, well i might be if i ever get out of work! x x

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I love it when the temp drops don't get me wrong I love the heat but find it so much easier to ad layers then sit there sweating haha!! Love autumn when it's cold but not freezing :D xxx

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Haa I'm sitting in a massive thick hoodie I'm freezing and Jacob is laying on the sofa, under his duvet lol
Im convinced it definately getting colder by the day, im snuggled up with my LO underneath the blanket, but just to turn things on there head, i really want an ice cream, mad i know! x x

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Haha ice cream, nooo!! I'm snuggled up to my OH watching a DVD :love:
I gave in and drove to mcdonalds for a mcflurry, yummy. Time to get warm again now! x x

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Lol, i would put up with brain freeze for an aero mcflurry, ice cream and one of my fav choc bars mixed together, heaven! x x

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Love ben and jerry's but at the mo im seem to just want soft icecream, if i have ben and jerry i sit there stiring it for ten minutes before i start eating it! Cookie dough has to be the nicest one though x x

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