Cankles anyone?


Active Member
May 29, 2007
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Well, as if all the huffing and puffing everytime I try to roll over in bed, or the constant need to empty my pitifully 1/4 full bladder, or persistent thrush, the latest pregnancy joy is "cankles", where my feet and ankles get so swollen they are beyond recognition! :dance:

I've tried everything from elevating my feet aboved the level of my heart (which is no mean feat at 8 months pregnant!!) to drinking litres of water... but on Friday night it got so bad I rang NHS Direct, only to be told "it's to be expected at your stage of pregnancy"!

How's everyone else coping with this?

Cheers Midna, might call the MW later or wait until my appointment on Tues if poss. I have no other symptoms so don't think I'm at risk of pre-eclamsia, just PO as can't get anything done! Has your nesting kicked in yet?!

Just saw your work of art of your "Demon Seed" kicking you, made me laugh!! :rotfl:
I had thrush about 3 weeks ago but cured it with a single course of Canesten pessary + cream. Midwife said it was absolutely fine to use during pregnancy! hope that helps
Cheers Laetitia, have tried the cream with not too much success so reckon the pessaries come next, eugh!

It would appear that my cankles were a little more serious than I first thought as well.... I spoke to my nurse friend who told me that I may be suffering with "pitted oedema" where if you press your swelling, it leaves an indentation mark that takes more than 30 seconds to fade. As of Saturday night I was at 24 seconds but thankfully in the past 24 hours it seems to have got better & I'm now only at 5 seconds.

I have drank about 6 billion gallons of water & kept my feet up as much as possible which I think has helped a lot.

MW is coming to see me tomorrow so I'll find out if my BP is okay, although I do feel fine it's best to be on the safe side!

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