Can you think up an excuse for me???


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Am off on a trip with work for 3 days next week and in the evening we always polish a few bottles of wine off.

Now I know these work pals quite well and they know that I'm usually the first in with the corkscrew


Can anyone think of an ailment that would put me on antibiotics and send me off for an early night??? :fib:

otherwise................... I'm busted :think:

Help, please :angel:
Ear infection or if you need something what they dont ask to many questions about say you have a water infection.
Hmmm...I think that antibiotics are too obvious! Two girls from work used this excuse when they were in the 1st tri and my work now quiz anyone on antibiotics!!

I am in a similar situation this weekend. I am going away for the weekend with friends who i dont want to tell yet! I think that I am going to say that I have hurt my back and the doc has given me t r a m a d o l for the pain. You should never drink on t r a m a d o l and it can make you v tired so a good excuse for an early night!! :cheer:

I hope this works for me :pray:

Good luck with your porkies :fib: (I hate all this lying :( but it has to be done and hopefully people will understand later on)

Let us know what you go with and how you get on! :D
t r a m a d o l can also make you feel sick ;)
Hmmm... I think the above excuses are good!

My friend said she was on a weight watchers diet and couldn't drink much. At her hubby's party we thought she was drinking slowly during the night, she later admitted it was just lime and lemonade in a wine glass :lol:

Say you have a tooth infection? Say your dentist prescribed you metronidazole, you can't drink on them!!
thanks guys..... think i'll go with the tooth thing :D

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