can you request another..


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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can you request another scan? when i went for my scan i was put back quite a bit and was only 9 weeks.. so didnt get to see the baby in better detail. my next scan will be when i am 21 weeks but in my opinion alot can happen in that amount of time.. i want to talk to my midwife about having a scan when i am about 14 weeks just so i can put my mind to rest.. i have got no history of miscarriage and i know its only paranoia but i would like to know where i stand on raising the issue with my mw.. any advice would be appreciated :) x

It is a long time to wait between scans but I doubt you will be able to get another scan on the NHS before your 21 week scan unless you experience any bleeding or other problems.

I had spotting in first tri and ended up having my scan at 9.5 weeks and like you I have to wait until 21 weeks before I have a another scan on the NHS.

I paid for a private nuchal scan anyway so I got to see baby in between time.

How about buying a doppler instead? That will give you the reassurance you're looking for in between scans. Or maybe if any of your friends have one, see if you can borrow it.
I'd not be hopeful, unless they felt they needed to see you again before your 20/21 week scan. They have a limited budget also remember.

If you went for your dating scan and they put you back, I doubt they would see any reason to scan again. A dating scan is just that really. They date you so as to be able to give you a due date. Some people get moved back, others forward, some remain the same.

I understand its a bit crap you were not as far along as you had thought, but LO is doing well in there :) You don't appear to be high risk so don't fret :hug:

We had a private Nuchal scan at 11+5 and I cancelled my NHS dating one the week later as I didn't see the need to have another one.

As has been suggested, maybe a Doppler for reassurance. Or ask your MW to have a listen with the Doppler at a future appointment. Usually they seem to listen from 16 weeks onwards, but some will try a bit earlier.
I've just had a scan at 6 weeks 6 days and they said "you do know you'll have to come back for your dating scan, don't you?" - which I was pleased about. IT would be probably worth asking your GP as he can recommend the scan and get the appt booked for you.
My guess would be no. My midwife had to pretend she didnt see the private one i had at 8 weeks otherwise i couldnt have got one on the NHS. Theres no harm in asking though.

The cost of my private one was £85 and worth every penny.

Claire x
satch said:
I've just had a scan at 6 weeks 6 days and they said "you do know you'll have to come back for your dating scan, don't you?" - which I was pleased about. IT would be probably worth asking your GP as he can recommend the scan and get the appt booked for you.

If your 6 + 6 was not a dating scan (was it a reassurance scan via the EPU?) thats why they have you back for a dating one nearer 12 weeks :)

If the one had by jadensmummy was her dating scan I'd not think her chances of another one would be high. No harm in asking though :)

Tbh, if women who had a dating scan and were put back a couple of weeks all asked for another scan and got one, it would probably cost the NHS a fortune they don't have and back up the already overloaded system (joys of the NHS eh :lol: :roll: )

And also like Nori, if my NHS dating scan had known about the private one they would have cancelled my 12 week dating one also :roll: As it was I cancelled it myself once we had the private Nuchal as I didn't see the point of it all over again (we live 40 minutes from the hospital and had been dated etc also at the private scan).
i had an emergancy scan due to bleeding at 9 weeks , they then cancelled my 12 week dating scan . so instead i paid for a private gender scan at 16 weeks as my hossy doesnt tell u the sex at the 20 week anyway .
i should be having a reasurrance scan this time as my doctor promised me, as my m/c in january was a late missed miscarriage. so i should be having quite a few extra scans this time
I have been lucky!
I had a scan at 6 weeks as we had no idea how far along I was, then they said Im "roughly 6 weeks so come back in another 6 weeks for a proper dating scan!"
Then I will have my 20 week scan too!
I think also it depends on where you live and the hospital you are under!
Obviously my hospital isnt run off its feet, but I guess if it were, maybe I wouldnt have gotten my 12 week scan!!
I did th esame as sherlock - had a private nuchal and dating scan at 12 weeks and then cancelled my NHS one so that someone who needed it could have the slot. There are loads of girls on here who have had bleeding or otherproblems and NEED a scan for medical reasons but have to wait as there aren't enough slots - I would have loved to see my bean again 'just because' but I didn't feel I could do it to them IYKWIM...

This will sound really harsh and it is not meant that way - but the way i looked at it was that until I could feel movements I would not really know one way or another and even then - if babe wasn't gonna stick there was nothing that could be done until we got to 24 weeks anyway. I figured that if I had the scan one day - I still wouldn't know if everything was ok the next or even by the time I got home - I just had to hope for the best and try and stay relaxed. I did find having a doppler at home reassuring - but restricted myself to only using that when I was worried that I was worrying to much IYKWIM as although they seem to be safe they aren't designed or tested to be used on a LO every day - and I also knew I would want to listen all the time otherwise!!

and I'm not saying you can't ask - this is just how I felt about my pregnancy - everyone is different :hug:
smile said:
I did th esame as sherlock - had a private nuchal and dating scan at 12 weeks and then cancelled my NHS one so that someone who needed it could have the slot. There are loads of girls on here who have had bleeding or otherproblems and NEED a scan for medical reasons but have to wait as there aren't enough slots - I would have loved to see my bean again 'just because' but I didn't feel I could do it to them IYKWIM...

This will sound really harsh and it is not meant that way - but the way i looked at it was that until I could feel movements I would not really know one way or another and even then - if babe wasn't gonna stick there was nothing that could be done until we got to 24 weeks anyway. I figured that if I had the scan one day - I still wouldn't know if everything was ok the next or even by the time I got home - I just had to hope for the best and try and stay relaxed. I did find having a doppler at home reassuring - but restricted myself to only using that when I was worried that I was worrying to much IYKWIM as although they seem to be safe they aren't designed or tested to be used on a LO every day - and I also knew I would want to listen all the time otherwise!!

I actually have/had the same outlook as you on all of this during my pregnancy. I was happy to cancel my NHS dating scan as I had seen my baby a few days before and knew all was well. And I really just did not see the point in travelling all that way for the same thing, as lovely as it would have been. Hubby was fine with it also. We got half an hour in our private scan, heard the heartbeat, got talked through it all and had pics :) We were happy.

And when I had spotting in first tri, my GP was lovely but pretty much said what you said about it. So I went with the flow and LO was fine. I even turned down an EPU scan as my spotting stopped after 24 hours and I felt fine, so decided to carry on as I had been.

I then got a doppler at about 14-15 weeks and limited myself to using it a few times a week for no more than a minute tops once I found the heartbeat. I've used it only 4 times now since I started feeling definate movements, and then only on days when LO has been really quiet and I've just wanted to check in and hear all was well :)

I think each woman copes and handles her pregnancy differently, so what works for one isn't going to work for another. I just took the practical and matter of fact approach as its how I am and what works for me. Glad to know I am not the only one who is a bit like this :lol:
I had my first scan on friday and thought i was 12+1 however midwife said i was only 11+4.
I was quite disappointed to be put back (even though it was only by a few days).
I was then told I could have another scan in two weeks so that the baby would be bigger. Obviously i'm over the moon about this as it means i get an extra scan! Try asking your midwife as mine said the baby was a wee bit too small to take proper measurements.

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