Can you over feed a bottle feed baby??

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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As above really, the reason I ask is Harry has been crying alot as mentioned before and the only thing that settles him is his bottle. Due to this he seems o be drinking between 10-12 oz more than usual and more than the packet says. He is nearly 7 weeks and is on nearly 42oz :eek: in 24 hours
I am worried that we are over feeding by caving to his demand as this is the only thing to keep him quiet??

P.s We cant give him hungry baby as this effects his colic??
First Baby White said:
P.s We cant give him hungry baby as this effects his colic??

:? Evie was colicky and we used SMA White which is for hungry babies :?

If you feed him too often it'll make his wind worse :(

:hug: I remember the colicky days and I feel for you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: It does get better xx
If he's keeping it down then I wouldn't worry too much. Becky used to comfort suck on her bottle in the evening when she was colicky but it was way more than she could stomach and it all came right back up again. I was dead set against it initially but a dummy really helped when she was comfort sucking - have you tried that?

I wouldn't worry if he's demanding more all of a sudden, chances are it's a growth spurt and will settle back down when it's over :hug:
If he is crying and comfort sucking then why not try a dummy. More food if colickly only makes it worse. Better to let them suck on a dummy than comfort suck on milk I think.

Also he could be having a growth spurt.
I think sometimes it depends on the birth weight and then subsequent weight and size of the baby on how much feed they will need. Dylan was 7lb 8 1/2 oz and currently feeds approx 30 oz in a 24 hour period.

I was worried that i was over feeding Dylan for the same reason as you're describing... i.e. the only thing that would settle him was a bottle. My Midwife advised me to give him some cooled boiled water in between bottles if he was stirring but not too much tho.. maybe half to a full ounce a time. This seemed to settle Dylan a lot so it was only really a drink he wanted and not the feed.

Dylan was also really colicky. We tried infacol but it never worked and now use colief and switched his bottles to Dr Browns. He is like a new baby. It has worked wonders.
I sometimes felt at times I offered the bottlea bit too much but they both took it and if they didnt want it they wouldnt drink it. Are you offering water as well? I always offered water before the bottle.
Thabks ladies, I have offered water but he wont drink it, he sucks it then just lets it dribble out of his mouth :lol:
The doctor has asked me not to use hungry baby as it has to much protein for him. He does have a dummy but this doesnt soothe him so we then resort to bottle. Hoping it is a growth spurt and it calms down soon!!!
Hopefully he is taking some water if bottle fed as they do need it.

I'd suggest till keep trying with the water before giving formula. I'd not worry about using hungry baby milk if he is gaining weight and doing well.
DD is exclusively fed expressed breast milk so I let her have as much as she wants. She takes 39oz, give or take, in a day.
I haven't seen the instructions on formula but remember, there can only be an average amount to feed - some babies take more, some less. He may be crying because he is hungry. If DD tries to comfort suck on a bottle she takes it in her mouth then spits or chocks on the milk and cries.

This is probably a question best put to your health visitor though. She will be able to assess looking at his weight chart too. If he's staying on the same percentile (despite drinking over a litre a day since 4 weeks old DD is actually going ever so slightly down the percentiles!) there is unlikely to be a problem.

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