can you help me understnad my blood pressure-little worried


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2007
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Hi there, just been to consultant today to get my section date - 11th August.. yeah! :dance: All is well but I'm worried about my blood pressure. It has consistantly been at around 120/75 throughout my pregnancy but today it was 180/89. To me this seems a bit of a jump and he asked me to make an appointment with my m/w to keep an eye on it. I can only get an appointment next Tuesday. Should I be worried, should I be making a fuss to get myself observed or is this a little rise due to only having a couple of weeks left?

Any info or advice would be great.
:hug: I'm not an expert but I didn't want to read and run. Your blood pressure does seem high to me. I'd want to get it rechecked sooner than next Tuesday. Did you speak to your midwife or just the surgery receptionist. If you have your MW's number give her a call to explain. Otherwise, you could try calling the hospital to let them know the situation and see what they recommend.

By the way, did they check your urine for protein and ask about headaches/flashing in front of your eyes? These are other signs of Pre-eclampsia.

Try not to worry. Put your feet up and relax - that will help your blood pressure.
I would definitely ring mw and get it checked sooner than Tuesday.
I would echo whats been said, phone your MW and let her know as she might want to see you sooner. Did they test your urine, did it have protein in it?

High BP on its own is nothing too concerning.

Don't worry :hug:
It is on the high side, but dont worry cos that will make it worse! Anything over 90 on the bottom should be monitored closely. I have high BP anyway and while on meds at the mo the bottom number is always over 90, sometimes goes as high as 100. The Dr and MW keep an eye on it on a two weekly basis (I see the MW once a month and the Dr inbetween). So as long as you are ok in yourself tuesday will probably be ok. My consultant explained to me that its quite normal for BP to rise as pregnancy continues so it could be thats why yours is a bit high.
If you are worried though I'd ring the hospital, they will be able to monitor you in the day assessment unit and be able to put your mind at rest.
I wouldnt panic unless you have other symptoms like headaches, spots in front of the eyes, swollen feet/hands and if you didnt get your urine tested this time around.
If you do get any other symptoms forget about the MW appointment and go straight via the hospital. Hope that helps and hope you feel ok :hug:
It does seem a little high and I'd do what the others have suggested. Get plenty of rest as this will help bring it down. Hope your ok :hug:
I phoned on call midwife to put my mind at rest. She explained that the bottom number is the concerning number and at 89 it is on the high side. We agreed between ourselves that the 180 could look like 150 because if it was 180 then the consultant would have done something there and then. I had my urine tested today and that was clear so no panic, she thinks Tuesday is fine but if have any concerning headaches, swelling to contact them asap.

Thanks for your replies girls.

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