Can you get symptoms before you get a bfp?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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I'm doing it again, symptom spotting although this month they're different. I've been feeling nauseous for a few days now and not actually thrown up and my bowls have been doing strange things. Bbs always get sore before AF so I can't say that's any different but they're very full. Being peeing quite soon after I drink anything, goes straigth through me. AF not due til next Wednesday...I have gone and done two tests and they were BFN (sorted of expected this anyway as probably too soon), I'm only 7-8 dpo so would be very early but really wondered if you can get symptoms before bfp?

Thanks in advance!
Hey honey, I'm in the same situation`... I'm due AF on Wednesday, but just have a feeling this month ... as well as some slight stomach cramps, I've done 2 early tests as well but got BFN but the same as you i expected that being as it's so early ...

Agghhhh it's so awful ... :(

Fingers crossed for us!!

:D :D
ive had a few symptom's but dont know if im just wanting to feel them!!!

Horrible having to wait aint it :(
I didnt have any symptoms until 12 dpo, when I got a funny stretching feeling in my side....nothing like a cramp, more like a pulled muscle (which is apparently your uterus stretching...nice).

It only been in the last 2-3 days that I am weeing more (have to get up twice in the night), and BB's are now so sore I cant even lie on them, and it hurts to get dressed....apart from that no symptoms at all, and nothing really early on!
Good luck though and hope your get your BFP
i had a few symptoms at what must have been about 10 dpo... i had REALLY dry lips, my boobs were slightly tingly, nothing much though.. and i had headaches, not major ones.. But none of these screamed out YOU'RE PREGNANT to me really, until i did the 7 tests ;) thaaaaaaaaats when it was real..
then fro mabout 4 weeks and 4 days ive had REALLY sore boobs, even drier lips despite lip balm on them every half hour, and im kinda tired now..
I was TTC for 6 months during which I had every symptom under the sun in my 2 week waits!

On the month I fell pregnant, my only symptom was that my BBs started hurting earlier than usual (they normally hurt for 2 days before AF but that month they started to hurt & tingle from 5 days Post ovulation).

Other months I was absolutely CONVINCED that I was pregnant but got lots of BFNs.

Good luck, babydust to you :hug:

Hope to see you over in Tri 1 soon.
LOL....I just did a thread about this yesterday, "symptom spotting again" So check that out too hun.
Well i dont know if i am but i woke up at 8am this morning and was back in bed by 10am until 4pm, its 7pm now here and i feel soooo tired and feel i need to sleep again... wtf? My boobs are feeling sore, heavy and painful to touch but they can be like that around OV and AF so i cant really say its out of the ordinary!
Sal88 said:
I'm doing it again, symptom spotting although this month they're different. I've been feeling nauseous for a few days now and not actually thrown up and my bowls have been doing strange things. Bbs always get sore before AF so I can't say that's any different but they're very full. Being peeing quite soon after I drink anything, goes straigth through me. AF not due til next Wednesday...I have gone and done two tests and they were BFN (sorted of expected this anyway as probably too soon), I'm only 7-8 dpo so would be very early but really wondered if you can get symptoms before bfp?

Thanks in advance!

:wave: I have had exactly the same symptoms as you and it started 3 DPO. I couldn't describe it better. Good luck testing :hug: :hug: :hug:

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