can you ask for a c section 2nd time around?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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i've been told if you've had one section you can ask for another 2nd time around. Is that true? i had a section because my body wouldn't dilate. I only ever got to 1.5cm and the midwife did majority of that trying to break my waters 2 days after i went in to be induced.. :shock: the thought of having an internal makes me want to faint.. They where dead rough with me first time around i can't even face a smear now!

I think you are probably a good case for a 2nd one anyway. What my doc told me was that 2nd time, even if I didnt opt for the section, I would never be induced. It would be, go into natural labour and even at that it would be monitered closely and not allowed to go on for long or a section.

So I chose the section . I have regretted it though.

I wish I had tried harder at the labour because I did go into labour myself.
can you choose one if you had a vaginal birth last time?
and if your names not jordan? i don't want to give birth again-
i've tried it once that'll do!! lol
I don't know if they'd let you choose one if you has a natural birth first time around, you could try. Athou I remember begging and screaming and crying to my GP! even offering to donate some money... if he'd call the hospital and get them to take me in for a section.. I remember screaming at my doc "if i was a footballers wife and had plenty of cash i'd be allowed one" this was when i was one week over! and ready to kill anyone who looked at me for longer than 2 seconds... Got one in the end after 2 days of being proded and messed about with! :oops: :oops:

Does anyone know if they can take off a little bit of skin too? someone i know said she had a bit of skin removed (similar to a mini tummy tuck) after her 2nd section. On the NHS too.. not private! am i asking for too much now?
hayley said:
I don't know if they'd let you choose one if you has a natural birth first time around, you could try. Athou I remember begging and screaming and crying to my GP! even offering to donate some money... if he'd call the hospital and get them to take me in for a section.. I remember screaming at my doc "if i was a footballers wife and had plenty of cash i'd be allowed one" this was when i was one week over! and ready to kill anyone who looked at me for longer than 2 seconds... Got one in the end after 2 days of being proded and messed about with! :oops: :oops:

Does anyone know if they can take off a little bit of skin too? someone i know said she had a bit of skin removed (similar to a mini tummy tuck) after her 2nd section. On the NHS too.. not private! am i asking for too much now?

because my scar was opened for the 3rd time they tried to 'tidy' up the scar by cutting it away and pulling a bit of skin down but the made an arse of it and thats why I got blood clots.

Dont ask :rotfl:
I was told this time round I would be offered a c section if I wished but I have opted for a natural if possible. Have been told that ideally I will go into labour myself but if not they will just give me an epidural and whack the drip up to give me a good chance of contracting and delivering naturally. Just hope this baby is nice to me and will let me do it on my own!
they gave me an epidural at 1cm and then wacked the drip up to max... that was the sat lunch time... it was sunday morning and i was only at 1.5cm... my body just wasn't having any of it - makes sense! i have a lazy little boy. Good luck Strangeness... hope you get the labour you want.

Do you reckon if you healed well with your first section you'll heal just as well if you had another?

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