Can wee be mistaken for waters?! (a bit graphic!)


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2007
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Ok, so last night i needed a number 2...

i sat on the loo and started to do my business, which at the moment is a bit of a "struggle" (sorry, TMI :oops: ).

I was "pushing" shall we say, and then i heard an almighty gush of liquid! It was really loud, like a waterfall, but i didn't feel anything, so i wasn't sure it was wee (as i do normally have control of when i do and don't wee!) as i would surely have felt the weeing sensation.

Do you think it could be waters? I am thinking probably not, as i'm only 33 weeks and there have been no other happenings, but can i really wee and not know it?! Please tell me i'm not losing control of my bladder / pelvic floor :?
Its probably best to get checked out just to make sure even if its a little embarrasing. coz u say nothing else is happening but with me when my waters broke it was over 24 hours before i actually started getting pains etc :hug:
When i was in labour with Cammy i had a gush and the midwife said it wasnt my waters. She never told me what it was tho. Cant imagine gushing from my peehole.
My waters went at 33 weeks with my daughter!
I thought I had wet myself too but not just one gush it was lots of little ones. I thought I had lost all bladder control when my sister said it sounds like my waters!
It hadnt even occured to me it could be that!
I think you should probably get checked out, just to be on the safe side!
chickadee1976 said:
She never told me what it was tho. Cant imagine gushing from my peehole.

I don't know whether to :shock: or :rotfl: at that!! Oh the joys ahead of me.

But to Rosie - I would just check with the midwife.

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