can they sack me?UPDATED


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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i have been off work since june because of my back. the doctor wrote to my workplace and told them i'd been having physiotherapy and painkillers and seen a consultant and i am awaiting steriod injections.she also told them that she doesnt want me back at work until my symptoms improve, which is impossible to predict how long this will be. i have today recieved a letter from my boss wanting to arrange a meeting ' about the action that needs to be taken regarding the GP's letter'. is it just me or does that sound like they are going to sack me? can they legally do that?


well went to see her today and she asked if there was anything she could do to get me back to work, i said i wouldnt be much use to them and would probably have to come home mid shift, so she said she'd give me another 4 weeks then if there is nothing she can do she will have to let me go on grounds of ill health
you need to ask for a copy of your companys policy on sick leave. they cant just sack you, certain procedures should be followed. also any discussions like this should be treated as a formal interview and you should be able to have a TU rep/friend/colleague etc present with you.

without knowing what their policy is I dont really want to comment but i used to manage sick absence for a government department and when someone was absent for 28+ days we would arrange to see them, a referral to the occupational health would be discussed, if there were any adjustments that could be made within the workplace to aid a return to work etc etc, subsequent visits would be arranged at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months (if the person was still absent), however if during this period it seemed like the employee would not be able to return to work at all in any shape or form, then a decision would be made if they could be reasonably kept on the books, subject to what some people think yes people can be sacked whilst off sick but not without prior warnings, discussions etc, if they were to do this you would be able to take them to a tribunal.
I think I've read somewhere (acas website probably) that any pregnancy related sickness must not be treated as normal sickness as far as the employee records go. Acas are pretty good at advice anyway, so I'd recommend having a look there.
widowwadman said:
I think I've read somewhere (acas website probably) that any pregnancy related sickness must not be treated as normal sickness as far as the employee records go. Acas are pretty good at advice anyway, so I'd recommend having a look there.

im not pregnant lol thanks though :hug:

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