Can someone please explain this to me!


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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Sorry, but what is with this country's obsession with having children photographed BAREFOOT? :lol: Every studio I've been to (both private and commercial, and even at my 3 y/o's nursery) say it's one of their policies. Sorry, but I can't imagine a case where someone has got the pics in and refused to pay because "Look at those SHOES! She looks so bloody stupid!" :rotfl: I'm having both my girlies done at Pixifoto next week and was about to buy them some cute sandals for the portrait, but then my mother reminded me about the no shoes thing! (We're from the USA, and finding this a bit baffling!)
I don't know why they do it, Pixifoto are the same (had my LO done at one about a month ago), they insist on no shoes, crazy but I guess if you insisted you wanted shoes on they wouldn't turn away the business. I really don't know why they do it, I guess when you take your babe next week ask them and report back because I don't have a clue either.
Apparantly its because shoes look really big on the photos and make it look like the baby has huge feet, weird eh?! :lol:
i love lelands shoe collection , glad im having a mate do our profesionals lol
That does sounds so odd :think: but what happy_chick's said would make it plausable, though it's your child, you should be able to have shoes on surely? I'm not a big fan of shoes yet as Isaac's not walking (well not exclusively, he can certainly walk :lol: ), but once he is I'm sure I'll want pics of him in his groovy shoes :cheer: Can you not say you'd like shoes? Surely they wouldn't turn away custom, like Nicola has said above :shock: ?
Yeh I find it weird too. I had Lydia done at pixifoto when she was a baby, and they had a barefoot thing going on.
I recently had both kids done by a different photographer, and yep, once again, they insisted on barefoot.

It's very strange.
Is it anything to do with the background sheet that they have draped over the floor? I had Oliver's pictures done a few weeks ago and I had to be on the sheet thing to hold him - I had to take my shoes off, which I assume was so I didn't damage the backdrop.

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