I swear my brain has gone for a little walk this week
Can anyone just clarify something for me? This is the order tracking for something from the catalogue...it says expected delivery date the 13th but then under status it says delivery due today?? does that mean its coming to me today or to them today and me on the 13th?? i hope this makes sense as that vvv is all muddled up (it was in a table in my email)
Can anyone just clarify something for me? This is the order tracking for something from the catalogue...it says expected delivery date the 13th but then under status it says delivery due today?? does that mean its coming to me today or to them today and me on the 13th?? i hope this makes sense as that vvv is all muddled up (it was in a table in my email)
Catalogue Number Description Quantity Original Delivery Date Expected Delivery Date Status
GD93 ANIMAL STRIPE HOODY CHOC STRIPE 12 1 09/10/2008 13/10/2008 Delivery Due Today