Can I still be pregnant after getting negative result?


Jan 16, 2008
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Hi all

I am new on this forum. I just wanted to ask if anyone has had a positive pregnancy after having a negative HPT the day after period is due?

I know I ovulated late - I think day 17 or 18 ( I used ovulation predictor) -
and period is usually really regular - 28 days (which was yesterday) - no sign of anything happening today so far.

I would really appreciate any experiences from you. Thanks. Vicky
How late did you ovulate? Ovulating late will effect how late your period is. You may have to wait for a few days yet. This does not mean you are not pregnant, just that there hasnt been enough HCG in your urine for it to show up as its too early.
If you OV late then your AF will be due later than normal also hun. You will usually get AF around 14 days after OV.
Give it a few more days and test again because if you OV late then it may still be too early to pick up the HCG.

Good luck :pray:
I didn't get my BFP until 10 days late and I used early predictors..............all BFN up until then. Although my periods were between roughly 32-38 days. 10 days late was from the longest cycle.
Good luck :D
I did some research on this as it's been 9wks today since AF last showed- which makes me 3wks late and I'm still getting BFN. Hcg can be so low for some woman that it wouldn't show on a hpt until you are 5-6 wks PG!!!!!! :wall:

So don't worry- I haven't given up hope!!! Just waiting..... :bored:
Thanks everyone

Still nothing today - I did another HPT and still negative. I am not holding out much hope - but was very interested to read that you can still test positive at 5-6 wks pregnant Mrs D. I hope all goes well for you.

I'm thinking now that my cycle must be messed up as I had a miscarriage at 3 months in November but weirdly my first period was exactly 28 days after. I don't feel pregnant but I just wish now my period would arrive as I'm supposed to be having dye test to look at my tubes which I can't have until it starts (I had my first baby through IVF but they recently discovered that one of tubes had unblocked miraculously. I've been pregnant twice since then, July last year, but have lost both).

Oh well - I'll just have to wait a bit longer I guess! Love Vicky
my sister NEVER had a BFP some women although its very rare dont pass the hormone into urine, she had a terrible GP who refused to believe her, finally after going every month after AF didnt show up and a bump forming she saw another doctor who examined her and sent her for an emergency scan, she was 5 months :shock:
OMG Sparky I had never heard of that before! :shock: No BFP ever! Thats really strange - but obviously proves our bodies work in mysterious ways!
certainly does, she never had one for any of her three boys.

it made it hard for me when we were TTC as i was always 'wondering' he he
Okay finally got period so at least I can have my HSG now. Thanks everyone. Vicky
Sorry to hear that. :hug: Sending you lots of babydust for next month.

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