Can I hang around here?


Dec 10, 2009
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I'm pregnant. 8 weeks today. Feeling sick and tearful. Can I hang around here? This is my 4th pregnancy. I am blessed that I have one gorgeous daughter. My first pregnancy was an early miscarriage. My second - my daughter. My third ended this summer when I went for a routine check up at 18 weeks and my unborn son was discovered to have died (no heartbeat). I was induced & he was delivered 15th August. We had a cremation service & our dear boy is now in the baby memory garden.

I was sick for 10 weeks with my son's pregnancy and now what seems like such a short time later I am suffering again. I dont feel up to discussion about baby names or excitement about scans, but I'd love a bit of support & chat whilst I take things day by day. Honestly I am trying to be positive I'm just finding the sickness & tiredness a bit overwhelming today!

Is anyone out there? Thanks x
Hi and welcome to the forum, I'm sorry to hear of your losses :hug: and will keep everything crossed for you :flower: xx
Hey :wave:
all the girls (and gys) on here are great sounding boards.
I'm 4 weeks pregnantafter a MMC in October, so know where u are coming from with mixed feelings about the quick turnaround. Huge huge :hug:, lots of :dust: and wishes for a happy outcome and use and abuse us all as u need too :)
Hi, Glad you found the forum, it really helps to talk on here, esp after a miscarriage. i have had one miscarriage and am now pregnant again praying to god this one will be ok.
Your story is tragic im so sorry to hear that.
fell free to talk anytime about anything! im on here loadss! x
:hug: You poor thing, we're here for you if you need to talk xxx

I've lost 4 babies, one little boy at 14 weeks so I understand what you're going through; hope we can help xoxo
Hello, welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about your losses and congratulations on being pregnant again. I'm in a similar boat to you, i've had 4 mc, all much earlier than your little boy. This is my 5th pregnancy and the furthest i've ever got. I'm a nervous wreak! Had alot of sickness, dizzyness and exhaustion and the doctors won't let me back to work yet, so i'm around if you just want a chat. Wishing you lots of luck x
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I'll certainly be staying with you for support, hopefully for the full 9 months. I'm feeling a bit less sick this morning - thick chocolate milkshake before I got out of bed worked wonders.
Thats great news!
i find if i am overly full or overly hungry i feel sick but other than that i am not :)
are you being told to just rest mostly atm then hun? x
Hello and welcome - so very sorry to read your story, wishing you all the best for your pregnancy :hug: this forum is brilliant :)
Thats great news!
i find if i am overly full or overly hungry i feel sick but other than that i am not :)
are you being told to just rest mostly atm then hun? x

No I not been told to rest & I am still at work & looking after my lively toddler. Not been told anything really. A letter has been written to the consultant (who became involved when my son died, but I have never actually laid eyes on him) & I will be having additional scans - not sure when these will be yet, but assume one will be around the time things went wrong last time. I have a normal checking in appt with m/w next wk, but so far nothing unusual.... Well except for over 20 mins in the Doctors when I went to let her know I was pregnant & a complete over reaction & urgent blood tests for me when it was suspected my daughter might have chicken pox (which she didn't!)
Ha they over react at some things and under react at the things we want them to do something abut - like plenty of early scans!! x

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