Can i get pregnant eventho my partner is taken body enhancements (steriods) ??


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Jan 4, 2011
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I am due to gey my merina coil out on wednesday and not guna be using any contreceptive but my partner is a body builder and uses steriods... Now he says i wont be able to get pregnant whilst he is using but if we were to try he wud have to use something to make his sperm go back to normal, eventho hes said that i still think tht i could get pregnant!! Has anybody had this happen or is wot my partner is sayn right?
Hiya hun,

I have never been in this situation myself but I have read that taking steriods is just as affective to harming the sperm as is smoking, drinking and drug taking.. So he is correct in a way but not entirely correct. It can affect the sperm and kill it but there is still always a chance of getting pregnant.

Hope this helps

Right thankyou, im broody atm so im wanting to get pregnant but the ball is in his court really so guess ill hav to wait, i already hav a young daughter who will be 3 in june and whilst i was over the mother in-laws his aunty brought her grandaughter over who is 9 month i held her; fed her n rocked her to sleep it made me want to have one and my partner knew by my face how much i was loving holdn her, i really want one
Also my mam told me her cousin had her fortune told and apparently theres guna be another suprise baby, i went to this person wen i was 17 and we got told the same and 2 weeks later i found i was 3 month pregnant, im wondering if its me again lol i realy hope it is eventho its up to my partner atm
Oohh really? FX the fortune teller is talking about you!!

Have you spoke to your partner about it? Is he willing to cut out the steriods? I guess if he is a body builder it would be a big step for him to cut it out completely?

Personally I would buy a male sperm test kit (saves him going through the embarrasment of the doctors) and test his sperm and see how the steriods are damaging his sperm. Atleast that will get your first burden out the way and then you can take it from there.

I never thought of that ... Were do i get this kit?
i think with most things there is a chance that he could be infertile from the steroids but probably just as much chance that he isn't. sory if i not much help, you hear so many bad stories though about steroids that they make you angy and horrible but i presume he not one of them so same thing with his sperm, it can effect some but not others.
Yea he thinks hes infertile but therea only one way to find out.... And if he is then hel hav to go to the doctors n see what they can do... What can doctors do??
HI my best friends partner is on steroids and after being on the pill herself three years she thought their chances of conceiving would be very low. however once they decided they wanted a baby she stopped the pill but he continued with his steroids within the first month although having very little time for sex she managed to get pregnant. so there is still hope babe :) she swears it was because she put her legs up after haha good luck xx
Hahaha pmsl, thanks im startn to think that i can get pregnant now eventho some people say i cant so fingers crossd n i will let u all no my progress.... Well if i make any lol xx
I dont have any advise hunny but i just want to wish you lots of luck in your ttc journey and sent you lots of babydust :dust::dust::dust: x x

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