Trying to get pregnant but im worried....


Active Member
Jan 4, 2011
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Well i thought i was preg, tuk test was neg, my partner had come off steriods but is convinced he cant havr kids im worried coz we both want kids but he wont go to the doctors, now if hes right is there any way we could havr a baby that he has fatherd?
Hi, sorry i cant help but i hope someone has the answers your after.
I really want another baby and would be sad if we couldnt have one, my friend said the doctors could help but i want to know how
im not too sure on this one.. all i can say is its important he gets checked out
before u both start stressing out!! :wall:
it could just take some time?? wishing u all the best xx
Thanks, ivr tried askn him to go to docs but he refuses t (cum) in a pot coz it jst doesnt work when he tries to do it, he says if have to do it for him ( make him cum lol )
Lol yea but i thought that men have to do it there n then in a pot ? I dont think they can bring the pot home n do it then can they?
My husband did his at home and then took the pot into the doctors, handed it into reception with the paperwork. I think there is a time limited from 'doing the deed' and taking it in (like maybe 1 hour) - they need it to be fresh :)
Aahh right lol thanks for that guess u learn something new everyday lol thankyou
Aahh right lol thanks for that guess u learn something new everyday lol thankyou

It may depend on your doctor though hun. My husband hasn't even seen the doctor yet, I went for bloods, went back for the results, which were normal then asked him what happens next. He said they test OH's swimmers, so I started asking more questions (my doctor never offers anything, you seem to have to ask first!), then he gave me a form to take to reception.

I picked the pot up and brought everything back to OH. I think OH expected me to take the pot back but I made him do it!!
Yeah we got given pot to take home for OH to use and then took it in for testing. Apparantly there are also special condoms you can use to collect it too because it's against some religions/ beliefs to masturbate.
yeah i saw about the condoms i think it has to just be latex and spermacide free but not 100 pecent on that.
Does he say anything about why he thinks it doesnt work? I think that in most cases it is possible to extract swimmers and put in your egg (ivf etc). If he doesnt produce any at all, than I think it is more difficult.

I've just started reading on the topic so am not an expert. But if you can make him take the test at home than maybe you can get some answers? Hope so!!!

Well he says its bcoz wen he was with his x she never fell pregnant wen the condom split, but if it doesnt happen then doctors is the only option
It sounds too early to worry just cos his ex didn't get pregnant with a few split condoms this could be because it wasn't during her fertile time, she may have had fertility problems, there may have been spermacide in the condoms which might have killed sperm, lubricant might have slowed sperm down, she may have taken the morning after pill without telling him etc. etc. If i've learnt anything from the few weeks I've been on this forum is that people who geninuely fall pregnant by accident with one split condom are probably quite rare the rest must be lying!!
SorryI just read my last post and I hope it didn't sound patronising like I was dismissing your worries. Believe me I certainly have my panic moments where I'm convinced I'll never get pregnant but I think its best to be optimistic and assume everything will work ok until proved otherwise. At least as much as you can.
I agree with you mustard, he has to get himself checked out xx

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