can i cancel it


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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its my birthday on friday and i was really looking foward to it the other day now i just want it to be gone.
last yr i can truely say was my worst birthday ever and i think this one will come a close second!
last year i was 35 weeks pregnant spent the day on my own at home and spent the evening havin my first and only servere contractions and me totally convinced i was in labour i also found out i was allergic to alcohol

this yr i am goin to childsplay just me n B its like a big adventureland 4 kids then goin out for a meaql with myself by the looks of it, i did invite 6 other people but they are droppinh like flies
really dont want a bday this yr
aww that sucks :( i hope that everything works out for you huni..we can have a forum party, beanie will bring cak :D
Good idea cassi :cheer: ,we will all meet on here at 8pm and have a wicked party :dance: xx
birthdays do tend to get crap as you get older but i'm sure you and b can still have a fantastic day happy birthday for the 11th anyway(mine on the 13th lol)
Aww Sarah. :hug:

Unfortunately Mary is right, birthdays do get crap as we get older. To me, everyone else seems to celebrate their birthdays and get treated fab all day, and I don't. :( Hmm, maybe it's because I'm always the one organising everyone else's! :?

We'll have a forum party - Hels should have some cak left from her wedding!! :hug:
Sarah, youre very lucky. The 11th August is around the maximum of the Perseids meteor shower where you can see dozens of shooting stars an hour. Now what do they say when you see one? Make a wish ;)

Enjoy it with B, you dont need anyone else to have fun :)

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