can contractions be...

non existant! katie's at daddy's, so am dead busy sorting things out...why do we think we'll need to keep 3 year old bank statements?! have been bouncing on my ball whilst doing it so i duno if that'll do anything!

am going into tesco in a bit and am kinda scared about it cos this time a year ago i went in and was like, no i've not had the baby i'm beign induced on wednesday...and was in labour hours later!! god i couldnt cope with it following the exact same pattern!!

Keep us posted, it will be 'our' first baby :love:
Oooh it is sounding promising! Hope something happens soon! xx
just been into work and someone said the dreaded words "you not had that baby yet?!" FFS that better not send me into labour!! atleast til wednesday anyway!
am having a good bounce on my ball and jesus christ she's low down!! been gettin strong BH all night too! its my mum and dad's anniversary tomorrow, wonder if they'll get a grandaughter on it this year! katie missed it by 52mins!
awww, sounds like its going to happen soon. hope it doesnt drag out to long for u
Definitely sounds like she'll be here soon. Exciting! xx

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