Hi girls - just wanted to let you know it does get better, it sounds to me like growth spurts, Thomas was the same. At 8 weeks he weighed a grand 13lbs8, that's 5lbs heavier than when he was born. In the last couple of weeks he's been going three hours during the day, awake and not feeding, which is great and its such fun to be around him. I found one of the reasons that he was eating so much, crying and being awake most of the time was because he was overly tired. I think it happens with cluster feeding, three days on a day off of sleep.
In the past week, he's been sleeping from 8.30pm to 11pm (made sure i put him down in his crib in dark room) half hour feed and snuggle back to sleep until 4am, 15 min feed (both boobs), awake again around 7.30, feed both boobs then a doze for an hour then he's awake, play time and now he's sleeping again for an hour (11am-12pm). Last night every time i fed him my boobs were full, which hasn't really happened before. I think your body does get used to it.
He is also in the top 90%ile for his height, so he is a big boy (that's my way of saying he's not a pork chop hehe). He doesnt look tubby, just healthy.
One thing I did try is that every time he slept for more than two hours/or went without a feed I expressed. Sometimes it was up to three times a day, each time getting 6oz. It was roughly 3oz when he was the same age as the younger babies.
Good luck to you all and don't give up, it gets better at six weeks, you havne't got long to go Xx