Can anyone help?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2005
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Hi ladies :wave:

I thought that I had when I was going to start my maternity leave all sorted until my mum mentioned something to me yesterday. I was going to use 3 weeks annual leave before starting my maternity leave but mum said that if I was to have this LO a week early like I did with Jacob, then I would loose my weeks leave as maternity has to officially start the day you give birth - is this right?

I am now tempted to finish the week before I was planning too and still take my 3 weeks annual leave (if my employer lets me do this!)

I am planning to take the 39 weeks off maternity leave and so will be going back to work in a new annual leave year so can't transfer my leave over with me - which is why I am using it all up before I start my maternity leave.

Nope it does not. You can start you leave x amount (I forget the number exactly) of weeks prior to the week you are due to give birth. It does not start the day you give birth.

I'm taking my maternity pay from 11 weeks before our LO is due, so it began on Feb 17 (OK I am not claiming SMP but SMA but if I had stayed at work I'd have begun my maternity leave and received SMP from the end of March)

Have a read of this page as it has all the info you are after ... G_10018741
Lindsay said:
Hi ladies :wave:

I thought that I had when I was going to start my maternity leave all sorted until my mum mentioned something to me yesterday. I was going to use 3 weeks annual leave before starting my maternity leave but mum said that if I was to have this LO a week early like I did with Jacob, then I would loose my weeks leave as maternity has to officially start the day you give birth - is this right?

Hi Lindsay

Your mum is almost right, in that instance, your maternity leave would start the day AFTER you give birth - taken from here - Maternity Leave and Pay factsheet on the Working Families website (a great resource).

"If you give birth before you start maternity leave, your leave and pay will start the day after the birth" (page 3)

Would any employer notice this though?

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Valentine Xxx
Hmmm I missed the bit about 'I was to have this LO a week early' :roll: Sorry. My answer would have been different had I taken that in :roll:

But what Valentine said, I dount many employers would notice that.
i took holiday before my mat leave and my lil one came 6 weeks early , my mat leave did have to be brought forward to the day he was born , but i get the holiday back or paid later ( i hope anyway )
Thankyou all for your replies :D I have got a 1:1 with my boss next week so will discuss my options then. Thankyou for the fab link Valentine it's really good!!


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