Can anyone help?

Lucy Helen

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2011
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Hi Ladies,

I hope so of you can help thought i would ask you all on here what you think before i start to panic and call the midwife!

I've been feeling a bit funny for the last hour and a half/ two hours, its a werid feeling to discribe but my bump feels very tight and pressured at the bottom almost like it needs to pop or is being really strenched i'm also feeling a lot of pressure down below which makes me feel like i just need to sit on the toilet all the time i've been going every 5mins and just sitting on the toilet like i need to wee or something but i dont! When i did go to the toilet earlier i noticed i have leaked quite a lot i have been having more discharge than usual (sorry!) but there just seemed a lot there and not all discharge some of it just like water my pants are pretty wet!
I'm also feeling pressure in my bum but that isnt constant just every now and then. Also got quite bad lower back pain! :(

I dont know if i'm being paranoid or if it literally is just the the LO having a growth sprut or if there's some other perfectly normal reason as this is my first i dont have a clue what i should or shouldnt be feeling!

Hope someone can help! xx

I know im not as far on as you but I was sort of feeling like this last night like LO was really low down and trying to push out the front of my belly it was really incomfortable and like you have noticed increased discharge I was quite windy as well to be honest. I put it down to that after an early night which i felt really uncomfortable and had to prop a pillow under me I feel much better so pressuming this is all normal! If you are worried give them a call though honey XX
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i would call the midwife myself if your not sure why your pants are wet is it defo discharge?
i would call the midwife myself if your not sure why your pants are wet is it defo discharge?

I was thinking about calling the midwife to be sure, i dont know if it is all discharge some of it looks like the usual discharge i get but the majority of the wetness is just very watery x
I think it's important to phone when you're worried about something - it's not good to sit thinking on something as it can get stretched out of all proportion. A good MW would never mind being asked to put your heart at ease. x
Sorry about the late reply not been able to get to a computer, the MW said i may have a water infection but i have had the checked out and i havent. I think he was just sitting funny which was putting the pressure on my bladder etc. I also spoke to my mum about it and she said around this time she got really bad lower back pain and it was there throughout her whole pregnancy so made i'll just take after her!

Thanks for asking :) x

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