Can anyone figure out which way baby is lying?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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My LO has been head down FOREVER, but last week at MW she suspected he was bottom down. I'm confused 'cos I keep getting kicked/punched in the same places as when we knew we was head down (we have quite frequent scans so I've had four already and he's always been way down low!!!).

Recently however I seem to be getting punches and kicks EVERYWHERE with no real pattern and he's squirming a lot as well!

When the MW examine your tummy they push quite hard dont they but I'm a bit nervous of doing this at home. There's a big round lumpt just under my right boob which should be his bum if he's head down and would be his head if head up - it's quite hard and quite big and it doesn't move much even when he's very active.

Any ideas girls - I will be well p*ssed off if he's been head down for 33 weeks and has flipped around now we're nearly at the end!!!!
I was told my baby is in breech position. I get kicks really low down, like your bladder is being danced on, really uncomfortable. She said babies can turn around till about 34 weeks, then they settle.

Hope this helps
Thanks for that- my kicks don't seem to be that low down - I've definitely had a few up under the ribs and most of the time I get kicked around waist height either side of my body rather than downwards......
Sounds like your LO is still head down then

I never get kicked above my belly, I wish mine would turn around lol
They reckon there are exercises and positions you can use to turn them - I'm not sure if they work but at your stage in pregnancy I wouldn't worry too much - you've got loads of time for your LO to turn tail!!!
I'm not as far on but I was told today my baby's turned sideways! :shock: I'm getting big kicks on my right side quite far round, and flutters & sharper jabs low down (I'm assuming elbows!). And my bump's a funny shape - wider than it is tall at the moment! My midwife said not to worry unless it still hadn't moved by about 35 weeks though.
I never get told what position baby is lying in or anything. I can't even make out the MWs handwriting either. I get kicked everywhere though. Mainly around the belly button and just under. Sometimes I get them low down too, which hurts, but only now and again. I think i have a very restless baby :D
I asked my MW the other day how she knew what way he was as she was pointing out his head, backbone & feet & I dont have a clue as it could be a kick or punch, hand or bum. Her response - 3 years training sweetheart :lol:

Had scan on Monday - little man is head down - way way way down to the point the scanner lady said the word "engaged"

Eeeek I'm only 34 weeks - don't want him coming this early!!!!
With your first baby hun baby can engage weeks before birth so dont panic!!

Im 38 weeks on Friday and I think my baby still has some more 'engaging' to do, so its a good sign for you!!

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