Calorie intake when BF'ing at 8 months


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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I'm hoping someone out there can shed some light (Squiglet if you are around as I am sure you've talked about this somewhere before).

I want to cut back my calorie intake now LO is coming up 8 months and has dropped one or two boob feeds now he is weaning. We've evened out on breast feeds now I think and while he may drop a bit more in the coming months I feel he will continue to be a booby fed baby for a fair while yet. He just loves his boob feeds and really isn't keen on having EBM from a bottle which I don't mind much tbh.

But now I've had my op and am going back to see the Gyne consultant in a week regarding my bladder problem I want to then really start getting strict about my calorie intake etc and to work at losing some weight in the coming few months before we start TTC again.

I've always been one of those people who only has to look at a lettuce leaf to put on a pound :roll: But if I can exercise plenty (I do weights, squats and lots of walking etc over all that bouncing around stuff) I can get weight off and keep it off.

So how much can I safely reduce to? Its not so much the calories I am thinking as what I eat. I plan to keep up with porridge for breakfast as long as I am BF'ing. But can I then just have much lighter meals with less carbs for the rest of the day? I only drink water and the odd cup of decaf EGT. Will my eating less carbs etc affect my supply? I plan to go over to steamever veggies and fish, lean meat etc.

My main concern is that I am able to continue to BF for as long as possible. I keep being told not to diet while BF'ing as it won't help things, but figure now Galen is coming up 8 months I surely can reduce things and not worry about the milk supply.

Hope that made some sense :) Thanks in advance :)
I was looking at the same thing the other day... :shock: Its around 1500/1800 calories a day :) And aim not to loose more than 1.5lbs a week and you should be fine :) ... tloss.html

I have about 6lbs I'd like to shift, but really I need to exercise. I don't eat 1500cals a day :oops: I sometimes don't eat 1000 but never loose weight :rotfl: I always have my oat based breakfast every morning though :)
Hehe, funny we should both be looking in to this now :D

1500-1800 is loads though :shock: I was hoping to cut down to about 1200-1500 if possible. Gah I'll never lose weight this way :wall:

I guess I'll look at the carb intake and if I can reduce that outside of the porridge I will. Its usually the carbs stop the weight loss anyways.

I'll also get into the exercise again and start taking some long hikes over the hills.

Thanks Squig :)
when i left the hospital the nurses said i'd need to eat 2500 per day, but TBH i've hardly been ably to eat much since LO arrived and lost a lot of weight (not deliberatly), but have a massive milk supply (i liturally drown her at the begining of each feed, and she's off the top of the scale on the weight chart %centile thing). im sure if you continue to drink enough water and cut down a little on what you eat + excersise and eat the right things, you should start to loose in a healthy way.
I have been lucky with a great milk supply.I lost quite a bit of weight quickly as i had a bit of a traumatic time but Dylan was 10 months by then and i don't think it affected my milk.
i want to loose some weight so am planning to cut out the junk food and see how it goes but still have xmas food left to eat before i

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