Calling baby wearers!!!


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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I have a baby wearing dilemma... :think:

Its hot here... its dam hot here... so hot that I can quite happily take lil miss out in a short sleeved vest and nothing else...

Problem is.... I like to wear my baby... but the close contact means we both end up hot, and sweaty and sticky... :( I love wearing lil miss...she loves it too... up until now its comfortable and extremely convenient... I honestly don't know how people cope bumping pushchairs up and down steps, through narrow markets streets, in busy shopping centres...:( its crazy paving here...

So how do I get around this... :think: Is it safe to take lil miss in the sling if its so hot :think: I can't let her go naked because the sun is too strong... what do other baby wears do in the hot weather? :think:
at the moment I am using my sleepytoes pouch, it is a light cotton, and I tuck her arms in so she's not exposed to the sun.
I use a baby bjorn 'air' for hot days and it's bloody brilliant. It has a special mesh that wicks away heat and keeps us both cooler than my cotton sling or my pouch. Having said that it's still hot!

I bought a sun hat a size to big so that it fits over the back of the carrier and her entire face, I keep it turned up at the front so she can see if she's awake but when she falls asleep I let it cover her and it keeps her head very, very cool. I've also bought lightweight long sleeved tops and trousers to keep her covered, again a size big so they cover hands and feet. One uber hot day I was at a market with her and wanted her to have a little extra cooling so I soaked my muslin in the public loos and used it to damp outside of the carrier - that worked!

I've only used my pram once with MIL and hated it, we go everywhere attached and it's been the most amazing experience. Baby wearing has been the best decision I've made so far after breast feeding, although I honestly think wearing her has helped to make BF'ing easy to because we spend so long physically close.
Solarweave carriers! Zolowear do a ringsling and a pouch. Connecta do a buckle MT/SSC

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