Calling all mums - please help


Feb 8, 2010
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I am a midwifery student looking into the Psychology Of Birth and would appriciate your help. Please feel free to post answers below or PM me.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to explore the standard of antenatal care and education. Your details will remain confidential and will be destroyed once the data has been gathered.

If your first pregnancy and birth experience was within the past 5 years I would be very grateful if you could spare a minute to complete this questionnaire.
Please answer the question based on your first pregnancy and birth experience only.

Thank you.

Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 19 yrs and under
 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? …………………..

Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Hospital birth
Birthing Centre
Other (Please state) ……………………………………………..

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth
Birthing Centre
Other (Please state) ……………………………………………..

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal
Induced vaginal
Caesarean Section

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Spontaneous vaginal
Induced vaginal
Caesarean Section

Q6b. If you answered, induced, forceps, caesarean or ventus can you explain why this was required for the birth?

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
Hypnosis / Meditation
Natural – no pain relief AT ALL
 Gas and air only
 Pethidine
Other (please state) ……………………………………

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
Hypnosis / Meditation
Natural – no pain relief AT ALL
Gas and air only
Other (please state) ……………………………………

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care
NHS standard midwifery care PLUS Doula
NHS standard midwifery care PLUS Independent midwife
NHS standard midwifery care PLUS attendance at workshops, conferences or other independent investigation
Independent Midwife only
None of the above
(Please state your choice) ……………………………………………………

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?
No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife or doula only
NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes
 National Childbirth Trust (NCT) led childbirth classes
NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes PLUS National Childbirth Trust (NCT) led childbirth classes
Independent childbirth classes
Workshops, conferences etc
Word of mouth / advice from friend / mother
None of the above
(Please state your choice) ……………………………………………………

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?
No (Go to Q13)
 Magazines
Other (please state) …………………………………………………………

Please add any comments regarding your care and birth experiance, negative or postive.

Thank you very much for taking the time to fill in the questionnaire.
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Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? …………………..1994

Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Other (Please state) ……………………………………………..Midwife Led Unit

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Induced vaginal

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

I made no set plans for pain relief with my first baby

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
Gas and
Other (please state) ……………………………………pethadine

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?
 Magazines

Hope this helps :) Would you like it doing again for my second child?
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 20 yrs and over (24)

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? …………2008………..

Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Birthing Centre

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Birthing Centre

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Induced vaginal

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
Natural – no pain relief AT ALL

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?
No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife or doula only

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 19 yrs and under

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? …………………..

14th December 2007

Q3. Did you plan for a ...


Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hopsital Birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Caesarean Section

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
 Pethidine

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
Spinal Block

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?
No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife or doula only
Word of mouth / advice from friend / mother

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?
 Magazines
Pregnancy Forums :D

Hope this helps :D
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? …………………..


Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Hospital birth

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
Gas and air only
Possibly Meptid

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

Gas and air only

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?


In responce to questions. Im trying to discover if there is a link bewteen the support and education given to ladies and the outcome of the birth. The hypothesis is the better the education and support the better the birth. This theory is based purley on stress levels during birth.

So really it has to be the first born child only as then you would be a potentilay "blank page" for the midwife to guide. If it were your second you would not only have the guidence of your midwife but also the knowdlege from your first birth - which in this case would be cheating!!

Thank you for helping me - please keep going as I will need around 40 responces.

If you would like I can post the eddited results of the research for anyone interested ?
It would be interesting to see the results, thanks :D
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 20 yrs and over (25)

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? …………………..


Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Other (Please state) ……………Midwife Led Unit

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Induced vaginal

Q6b. If you answered, induced, forceps, caesarean or ventus can you explain why this was required for the birth?
Forceps - Reduced/lost heart rate.

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

 Gas and air only

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

Gas and air only
Other (please state) …………………………Pethadine

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?

 Magazines

Hope this helps.
It would be interesting to see the results. Thanks. :)
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Yep, would love to see the results :)

Hi there,
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? ………2006…………..

Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Hospital birth

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?


Q6b. If you answered, induced, forceps, caesarean or ventus can you explain why this was required for the birth?

Heart rate fell

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)


Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes / mother

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?

 Magazines

I think the research and education I did into epidurals meant I had an almost totally stress free delivery. Hope this helps!
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 19 yrs and under (19)

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? 2007

Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Hospital birth

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

 Gas and air only

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

Gas and air only

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?
NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes

Workshops, conferences etc
Word of mouth / advice from friend / mother

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?

 Magazines

Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 20 yrs and over (26)

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? ……2007……………..

Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Hospital birth
Birthing Centre

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Birthing Centre

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
Natural – no pain relief AT ALL
 Gas and air only
 Pethidine
Other (please state) …hydotherapy…………………………………

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
Other (please state) …hydrotherapy…………………………………

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care PLUS attendance at workshops, conferences or other independent investigation

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?
 National Childbirth Trust (NCT) led childbirth classes

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?
I've just edited my answers.
To answer 6b, I didnt notice it before.
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 19 yrs and under

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? 2006

Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Hospital birth

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6b. If you answered, induced, forceps, caesarean or ventus can you explain why this was required for the birth?

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

 Gas and air only

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

Gas and air only

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?
No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife or doula only

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?


Please add any comments regarding your care and birth experiance, negative or postive.
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 19 yrs and under

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? …………………..
In 1995
Q3. Did you plan for a ...
Hospital birth

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6b. If you answered, induced, forceps, caesarean or ventus can you explain why this was required for the birth? NA

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
 Pethidine

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
Natural – no pain relief AT ALL

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?
No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife or doula only

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?
No (Go to Q13)

Please add any comments regarding your care and birth experiance, negative or postive.

I was 14 and told i wasnt in labour it was the most scary experiance of my life they came in to discharge me to find baby crowning ...they really need to listen to the pateint
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? …………………..


Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Birthing Centre

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Induced vaginal

Q6b. If you answered, induced, forceps, caesarean or ventus can you explain why this was required for the birth?


Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

 Gas and air only
Other (please state) …water birth…………………………………

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

Gas and air only

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?

 Magazines
Other (please state) …internet………………………………………………………

Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? ………2008…………..

Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Hospital birth

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Caesarean Section

Q6b. If you answered, induced, forceps, caesarean or ventus can you explain why this was required for the birth? My temperature went up when I was 8cm dilated and baby's heartrate increased.
Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

 Gas and air only

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)

Gas and air only
Other (please state) …Pethidine - against my wishes really, I was railroaded into it.…………………………………

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?
No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife or doula only
(Please state your choice) …I read everything about my pregnancy, labour and birth. Typically I skipped the chapter on Caesarians thinking it would never happen to me…………………………………………………

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?
No (Go to Q13)
 Magazines
Other (please state) ……Everything that I could get my hands on……………………………………………………

Please add any comments regarding your care and birth experiance, negative or postive.

The surgeon who performed my C-section was commendable, there were two midwives on the maternity ward who should be dog handlers rather than midwives. The manner in which one of them forced my baby onto my breast whilst she was screaming was appalling, she held her by the back of her neck and pushed her face into me even though there was no way she could feed whilst screaming, the other midwife made me stay on an electric breastpump for half an hour knowing I had no milk - I had to express everything I had due to having a radiation scan for suspected lung clot. I ended up with blistered nipples. The way in which this midwife spoke to mothers on the ward was terrible, if I had been myself, ie. not full of drugs and in so much pain, I think I would have asked her to come outside with me and given her a slap! The domestic staff pulled back my curtain whilst I was breastfeeding my baby, this was during visiting time when husbands etc were walking freely about the ward - the domestic collected my water jug and then walked off leaving me exposed, after having a C-section I couldnt move very well and was completely shocked at what she had done. Being a first time mother I felt rather vulnerable, having to deal with having had major surgery as well as learning about a new baby. I constantly had staff and other people coming into my cubicle to use the handsink which was on the wall next to my bed - I felt as if I had no privacy at all. I cried every day until I could go home because I was so upset to be stuck in that ward. No-one from the ward checked our car seat when we left the hospital despite it being their procedure to send someone with us. No-one from the ward contacted my community midwife team to inform them I had been discharged - I had to contact them to find out why I had not been visited.I cannot face going to that hospital for my next birth - I wrote to the Chief Exec of the trust and cc'd copies to the head of midwifery, my community midwife and my local MP. The response I received was fantastic.

Sorry if that was a bit long!
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 19 yrs and under ....I was 17
 20 yrs and over

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first child? …………………..1990

Q3. Did you plan for a ...

Hospital birth * this one
Birthing Centre
Other (Please state) ……………………………………………..

Q4. Did you give birth at a …

Hospital birth * Hospital
Birthing Centre
Other (Please state) ……………………………………………..

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal * this one
Induced vaginal
Caesarean Section

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Spontaneous vaginal
Induced vaginal
Caesarean Section * this one, emergency

Q6b. If you answered, induced, forceps, caesarean or ventus can you explain why this was required for the birth? * my son was in distress and I had a problem with my cervix which needed surgery

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
Hypnosis / Meditation
Natural – no pain relief AT ALL
 Gas and air only * this one
 Pethidine
Other (please state) ……………………………………

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
Hypnosis / Meditation
Natural – no pain relief AT ALL
Gas and air only *
Other (please state) …Pethidine…………………………………

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care* this one
NHS standard midwifery care PLUS Doula
NHS standard midwifery care PLUS Independent midwife
NHS standard midwifery care PLUS attendance at workshops, conferences or other independent investigation
Independent Midwife only
None of the above
(Please state your choice) ……………………………………………………

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?
No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife or doula only * none
NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes
 National Childbirth Trust (NCT) led childbirth classes
NHS standard midwifery led childbirth classes PLUS National Childbirth Trust (NCT) led childbirth classes
Independent childbirth classes
Workshops, conferences etc
Word of mouth / advice from friend / mother
None of the above
(Please state your choice) ……………………………………………………

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?
No (Go to Q13)
Books * these
 Magazines * these
Other (please state) …………………………………………………………

I hope this helps xx
Q1. How old were you when gave birth to your first child?

 19 yrs and under

Q2.What year did you give birth to your first chid? 2003

Q3. Did you plan for a ...
Hospital birth
Q4. Did you give birth at a …
Hospital birth

Q5. What type of delivery you plan?

Spontaneous vaginal

Q6. What type of delivery you have?

Q6b. If you answered, induced, forceps, caesarean or ventus can you explain why this was required for the birth? failure to progress (??) no idea i was doped up lol

Q7. What type of pain relief did you plan? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
 Gas and air only

Other (please state) diarmorphine

Q8. What type of pain relief did you have? (Please choose as many as is applicable)
Gas and air only

Q9. What type of pre natal care did you choose?

NHS standard midwifery care

Q10. What type of childbirth education (sometimes called parent craft classes) did you choose?
No childbirth classes, information gained through Midwife or doula only
Word of mouth / advice from friend / mother

Q11. Did you read childbirth, pregnancy or child care publications prior to, or during your pregnancy?
 Magazines
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